"James (4) mar. Sarah Coe, two sons and two daughters James (5), Henry (5), Sarah (5), mar. Augustus Tyler. Son: Atwater (6) Tyler, Yale College, M.D. In practice in New Haven James (5) and Henry (5) have families now living in Northford. "Jonathan (4) married a Culver. He and Solomon Talmage were detached from the troop under Capt. Treat of Milford and were with him at the capture of Burgoyne. Went to Lenox, Mass."
Throughtout these pages an effort has been made to make use of written records to trace Jonathan's identity. The statements of Rev. Jonathan (4) Maltby are amoung the best that we have.
Reverend Jonathan (4) Maltby (b. 1759), graduate of Yale Univ., Class of 1779.
His biography and his writings take considerable space in Mrs. Verrill's unpublished MS. He was fourth child of Captain Benjamin and Elizabeth (Fowler) Maltby, b. at Northford, Connecticut, April 21, 1759. He was too young for military service at the outbreak of the revolution. In spite of hemorrhages (tubercular?) he lived to the ripe age of 91, outliving all of seven brothers and sisters. He married Submit Taintor and they had eight children. Several of their children became prominent people in their communities. Though prepared for the ministry, his health was such that he seems never to have served as a regular minister. His interests were wide and his writings significant. Northford and New Haven were his home.
The table below gives distances in the regions in which Jonathan lived and moved, always a pioneer. (Taken from Highway Maps)
Springfield, Mass., Lenox, Mass., Albany, and Baldwinsville are on or very near to the Boston to Buffalo Highway which is probably not much rerouted from the time of settlement.
Branford to New Haven - about 6 miles Branford to North Branford - a similar distance Branford to Wallingford - about 12 miles New Haven to Hartford - 37 miles Hartford to Springfield, Mass. - 26 miles Springfield to Pittsfield, Mass. - 56 miles Pittsfield to Albany, N.Y. - 37 miles Albany to Syracuse, N.Y. - 137 miles Pittsfield northward to Salem, N.Y. - about 50 miles Lenox to Jonathan's farm in Town of Pittsfield - about 5 miles Salem to Albany, airline 40 miles.
The period between the close of the Revolutionary War and the adoption of the United States Constitution was a time of great unsettlement. The State of Massachusetts had early adopted its own constitution which historians represent to have been favorable to capital and to have been severe in its provisions for the collection of debts. There arose in the western counties of Massachusetts very great dissatisfaction among the debtor classes and taxpayers. Insurrections which come under the title of Shays' Rebellion led by a Revolutionary War captain, Daniel Shays, were widespread.
On page 70 you will find a record of a land sale by Jonathan Maltby, Yeoman, of Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts. This sale was made in the same
He died in early life. His widow now lives in the ancient home.