William (II-5) Maltby LOST at SEA. It occurs to me that our tradition, "One was lost at sea" may have referred to William's son rather than to his older brother, John, I, who was lost at sea. Page 53 of the late Mrs. Verrill's unpublished MS. gives (1) Mrs. Cushman's version that William II-5 died in the West Indies. (2) Mr. Ralph Smith's statement that William II-5 was "lost at sea in Mrch, 1701," and (3) another statement that William II-5 "died of yellow fever in the West Indies." The page carries this: "From the following records it is evident that he (Wm.II-5) left New Haven in December 1700 as 'Master of the Frigate Adventure and never returned to his young wife and infant son William, who was then but seven months old'." I omit the records, but give this reference, "Vol. II, p. 286, Probate Records of New Haven, Conn. the Inventory of x/m William Maltbie's Estate." The net inventory was 213 pounds April 20, and November 14, 1701. This William may be the "One was lost at sea," of the tradition told by my father and his cousin, Clinton D. Molby, and I think also by Thad Maltby, grandson of Jacob and Sarah (Miner) Maltby.
The best account of Samuel (II-8) Maltby is perhaps found in Mrs. Cushman's address already mentioned. He received the degree Bachelor of Arts from Yale College in 1712. (There were but two in this wartime class, both of Branford, Connecticut.) During his last year in college he taught school in Branford, and again during several years after his graduation. He settled down on a farm in the north part of the town of Branford. His biography and the biographies of other Maltbys graduated from Yale may be found in Yale Biographies and Annals, by Dexter. (A set of same may be seen in the library of the University of Kansas-Lawrence.)
"Assembly holden at Hartford, May 10, 1715. 'This Assembly do establish Mr. Samuel Maltby of Branford to be Captain of train band in the town of Branford'." He is called Captain and Squire. He was Captain of Militia according to the Yale Class Histories. He was town clerk of Branford for twenty-five years. Mrs. Cushman described the records from Vol. IV, p. 394 to Vol. VI, p. 602 as all in his fine round hand, easily read and pleasing to her eyes, she of five generations after his generation. She found some evidence of a contract which Samuel made to teach Branford school for thirty pounds "passable money" per year. He represented the town in the General Assembly twelve seasons, 1722-1739.
Samuel Maltby (II-8) married Dec. 8, 1715, Elizabeth, daughter of Deacon William and Elizabeth (Harrison) Barker. (Elizabeth Barker was born in December, 1691 in Branford. The marriage ceremony was performed by Nathan Harrison, justice of the peace, perhaps a relative. (His name appears on the Inventory of Estate of Wm. (I-1). (Verrill unpublished MS. gives background for Elizabeth Barker's family.) Samuel's tombstone is (or was ca. 1900) at Northford, Conn. He died December 2, 1751, in 59th year. Elizabeth, his wife, T.S. at Branford. She died December 7, 1752, aged 61.
The Maltby-Maltbie Family History, and Mrs. Verrill's MS. treat of Samuel (II-8) at great length with regard to documents and transactions. The Will and Inventory of estate are given. Nathaniel Harrison was execuor of the estate of Captain Samuel Maltbie. The will and the administration and the inventory of the estate are given in Maltby-Maltbie Family History (published by Maltby Association, 1916). Mrs. Verrill's comment in her last MS (1955-57) is "From the Inventory of Capt. Samuel Maltby, it is very evident that he lived in great comfort, possibly luxury, for those days. (Inventory 7425 pounds, 9 shillings, 3 pence.)"