John Wigent Data

John and Mary (Burr) Wigent named a son Samuel and another son they named John. Mary's father was Samuel Burr. Did their daughter who married Chester Molby name her oldest sons, Samuel and John, for her father and her grandfather, or did she know of the Maltbys of those names?

Slauson. Mrs. Louise (Daboll) Flansburg wrote that she had a chest that had come down to her from great-grandmother, Sally Molby. On the back of the chest the name Sarah Slauson had not been removed or painted out after marked for shipment to Michigan, perhaps in 1840. At the time Mrs. Flansburg wrote, the chest was used for storing bedding. This gives us the spelling of Slauson.

Wigent ANCESTRY, and Origin. Those of us descended from John Wigent have a German ancestry worthy of some notice. He was a lineal descendant from a prominent family of Martin Luther's time. One member of the family studied under Luther. This Wigent became a Bishop of the church, Lutheran, no doubt, and was also the first professor of Divinity, appointed at the University of Jena when it was founded. It is said that he met with opposition as Luther did when he broke with Roman Catholicism.

Flight from the native land. Palatine, Michael Wigent (however spelled), under an edict which limited his escape to a period of 48 hours, fled, perhaps to England, virtually without more possessions than he carried on his body. He was among "a group sent out by Queen Anne to populate her New York Colony." A relief society in New York fitted him out with little more than tools for woodworking. He was sent up the Hudson to Newburgh, in 1709. He possessed a piece of land on which he built a house which was later replaced by another house built before the Revolution. This house was made historic by housing George Washington's Headquarters longer than did any other house during the war for independence. "This is said to be the first historic house to be acquired by any State." It was acquired by the State of New York in the year 1850. It draws many visitors.


	Maltby-Maltbie Family History, 1916, by Dorothy Maltby Verrill
435 pages: 29 illustrations: Coat of Arms: 8 pp. on the name: many records.
p. 9  Maltby Arms,  Heraldry            301   Maltbie, Captain Jonathan_2_
21    English Records                   310   Maltby, Rev. Jonathan_4_
76    English Pedigrees                 314   Maltby, General Isaac
177   Maltby, origin of name            326   Maltby, Captain Jonathan_3_
183   Maltby Chapel, (England)          330   Maltby, Zacheus
186   Maltby, in Yorkshire              377   War Records
215   Maltby, American Notes            389   Branford, Connecticut
237   William_1_ Maltby, Esquire        396   The Maltby Association
266   Maltby, John_2_                   404   The First Reunion
273   Maltby, William_2_                407   Death of Members
277   Maltby, Daniel_2_                 409   Membership List
288   Maltby, Samuel_2_

Comments. William_1_ was one of the immigrant brothers, the one to whom we trace our American lineage. In our Molby tradition there was a Lord Maltby or Molby. John_2_ Maltby married Hannah Lord, but Lord Maltby is an error in the tradition.

Daniel_2_ was the ancestor of a majority of the descendants of William. Samuel_2_, Samuel_3_, Jonathan_4_ b. 1751 is believed to be the origin of the Molby line. Maltby-Maltbie Family History (1916) is in several of the larger libraries. Sometimes advertised by dealers in old books.


