a stake and stones on the east side of the road and runs from there thence north thirteen degrees east fifteen chains to a stake and stones, thence runs south eighty-eight degrees, west seven chains to a maple tree thence north one degree and twelve minuets west, thirteen chains and fifty links to a maple tree, thence south eighty-eight degrees west five chains and twenty seven links to a stake and stones, thence runs south thirteen degrees west fourteen chains and ninty-three links to a stake and stones, thence runs north eight-three degrees west twenty-four chains and seventy-five links to a stake and stones, thence runs south twenty-five degrees west, eighteen chains to the place of beginning, and contains seventy-three acres and five square rods of land. This land is bounded on west by James Willson and runs from thence north eighty-eight degrees east. Bounds south on Salem line - east on Mr. Robert Craten, a part north on said Craten, and a part north on Mr. Robert Qua and west on Mr. James Willson.
$300 lawful money of state of New York payable on or before the 15th of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four and lawful interest there on according to the conditions of a certain bond or writing obligatory bearing date herewith executed by the said party of the first part to the said party of the second part a collateral security. Then these presents and the said bond or writing obligatory shall cease and be null and void.
Which said mortgage was on the 28th day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and three before David Hopkins one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Washington, acknowledged by Farand Davise, a person known to the said Judge Who allowed the same to be registered.
I certify the proceeding to be a true registry of the aforementioned mortgage. Registered the fifth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three at two o'clock in the afternoon of the same day.
Perrit Wendell Clerk.
The blank at the end of this mortgage where satisfaction of mortgage should have been recorded was never filled in. Here again, I do not think that this indicated that your ancestor did not pay the mortgage, although of course that could be one interpretation, but more likely he simply did not have the payment recorded. * In the early times of our county they were quite lax about these things.
Notice that this mortgage did not cover all the land that Jonathan Maltby bought in 1792- only about seventy five acres of the one hundred and four that he bought.
I have examined the Surrogate records at Salem, N.Y., personally, both Wills and Letters of Administration and find no name similar to Maltby.
I have carefully examined Johnson's History of Washington County and my own rather extensive county records, including many of the late Jennie M. Patten author of the Soma Nauk Book who was a cousin, and find no trace of the family."
* She meant ancestor did not collect pay on the mortgage.