First Census, Heads of Families, Connecticut, 1790 New Haven Co., Branford Town Maltby, Jonathan 1 male over 16 (including head of the family) 3 males under 16 3 females Fairfield Co., Fairfield Town Malbey, Jonathan 2 males over 16 (including head of the family) 1 male under 16 6 females 1 slave
There were thirteen Maltbys (of several spellings) listed as heads of families in the U.S. Census of 1790 in Connecticut. The Jonathan of Fairfield was almost certainly Captain Jonathan whose records are in the D.A.R. Ancestry. The Jonathan of Branford could have been Rev. Jonathan_4_, but he was so recently married and was known to have fewer children in his own family of 1790. We have been unable to find the enumeration of another head of family that might satisfy our expectation for Jonathan, 1751, in the year 1790, in any of the states. I have found listed thirteen Maltby heads of families in the 1790 census for Connecticut. It is not apparent that Rev. Jonathan_4_ Maltby was living with any of his brothers or sisters, or that any of them were living with him.
It has been suggested that the New York Census was likely unfinished by midsummer 1790 when a Jonathan Maltby on August 2, delivered to Mr. John Williams a request for one sickle to be charged to the account of Thomas Collins. (See index of this MS.) The census enumeration, 1790, for Thomas Collins gives three males over 16, three under 16, and five females. The family of Jonathan might be included in with the Collins family. It is also possible that he moved from Lenox to Salem at a time to be too early for one and too late for the other census marshal to get Jonathan's enumeration. Or, the printer, 100 years after the schedules were written, read Hobby where Molby was meant. Lenox, 1790 census, gives two families, Jonathan Hobby, one of whom may have been Molby. At this point I repeat that the deed from Guthrie, Grantor, to Jonathan Molby, was and is in the files of the recorder in Washington Co., N.Y., under the name Molly.
At hand is a typed transcript made by Mary M. MacMorris, of Argyle, New York, dated March 30, 1954. We quote:
"After finishing with the deeds, I examined the Books of Mortgages and here I had better luck.
Liber E-Page 52- Feb. 5, 1803 Recorded
Mortgage executed by Farand Davise of Little White Creek, District of Cambridge, County of Washington, State of New York to Jonathan Mollby of the Town of Hebron, County of Washington, State of New York, Yeoman of the other part and his heirs and assigns for ever. Nov. 27, 1801
Description of mortgaged Land known by Lot No 3
Beginning at a stake and stones on the south west corner of said premises or south west corner of said Lot Number Three, Bounded west by James Willson and runs from thence north eighty eight degrees east, forty-five chains to