Meigs Line Data *

Tombstone inscriptions, Riverview Cemetery, Baldwinsville, N.Y.
	Meigs Monument - 2 inscriptions.  Lot 145 R.V.
		Ruel Meigs, Dec. 30, 1823 - Mar. 20, 1901
		Loanna Molby, his wife, Oct. 2, 1830 - June 11, 1911
	Grant R. Meigs and his wife are also buried here but have no markers.

Tombstone inscriptions, Maple Grove Cemetery, Jordan, N.Y.
	Charles E. Daboll, 1854-1932
	Harriet M., his wife, 1858-1929
	Daughter, Anna M. Snell, 1880-19

*Baldwinsville Gazette - issue of Mar. 21, 1901


Ruel Meigs, one of the best known and most highly esteemed residents of Van Buren, has been in failing health for some time, and of late his chief malady has been a brain trouble. This grew worse until on Wednesday of last week he was taken to Ogdensburg. Mr. Meigs is nearly 80 years old, and the many friends of the family will regret that so serious a trouble has befallen him. Later - We learn this morning that Mr. Meigs died in Ogdensburg last night. No funeral arrangements have yet been made.

Baldwinsville Gazette - issue of June 15, 1911


Entered into rest Sunday, June 11, Mrs. Loanna Meigs, widow of Ruel Meigs, aged 80 years and 8 months. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Charles Daboll, one son, Grant R. Meigs, and three grandchildren: Mrs. H. R. Snell of Medina, Mrs. R. L. Kratzer of Memphis, and Grant R. Meigs of Baldwinsville. The funeral was held at the home of Mrs. Daboll Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. Burial was made in Riverview cemetery.

Baldwinsville Messenger - issue of Sept. 2, 1948


Grant Ruel Meigs, 81, died at his home in Syracuse, Friday. A member of Grace Episcopal church, this village, he was holder of a 25 year membership pin from Mohegan Lodge 29, IOOF. He is survived by a son, Frank; a grandson, Paul; two nieces, Mrs. Anna Snell of Syracuse, and Mrs. Louise Flansburg of Weedsport. Services were held Monday in Syracuse with interment in Riverview cemetery.

* There is a question as to whether Ruel Meigs died on the 20th or the 21st. Dr. Beauchamp, who preached his funeral service said in his diary -

Mar. 23, 1901 - At 1 p.m. in Grace Church attended funeral of Ruel Meigs, died Feb. ? 21 of inflammation of kidneys, etc., aged 77 years. Burial at Baldwinsville. His tombstone said he died Mar. 20.

The notice of his death in the Gazette said he died "last night", which would be the 20th (this morning would be the 21st).

I thought it better to let the date stand to agree with the tombstone, but I am inclined to think that Dr. B. is correct.



