Frank Lewis Molby died 1939 (son of Chester Jonathan Molby).
"Frank Molby,* architect, formerly with Albert Kahn, Inc., and later with Vernor, Wilhelm and Molby, died Tuesday at his home in Beallsville, Md. Mr. Molby was born 71 years ago at Hillsdale, Michigan. He began the practice of architecture in Washington, D.C. in 1892. For sixteen years he was in the office of the supervising architect of the Treasury Department. He spent the years from 1910 to 1931 with Albert Kahn, Inc., as a designer. One of his Detroit structures is St. Matthias Protestant Church. Mr. Molby leaves his wife, Grace, and a son, Richard V. Molby, of Detroit."
Personal note: I visited this family in Washington and Detroit several times during thirty years. Frank was a fine looking man of about six feet and perhaps 200 pounds. They were gracious people. I know that Mrs. Molby was living in Washington in a recent year, 1957 or 58. I have understood that Richard V. lives in Detroit.
* From a newspaper clipping sent by someone living in Detroit, date and publication not given.
-------------- Will of Samuel Molby, 1815 (dated January 17, 1872) Probate Court, County of Hillsdale, Michigan. File No. B-522. Filed August 14, 1872 (Probate notation on Will) Son, Chester Jonathan, gave bond, $10,000 as administrator.
Land in estate, apparently 120 acres in Sec. 16 in Town of Cambria, Town 7 south, Range 3, west, purchased Mar. 31, 1864, Hillsdale Co., Deeds A. U. p. 76. See also Deed Record 82, p. 36, Hillsdale County. Recorded October 23, 1875. - Witnesses: Libbie Orvis, Marshal Salyards -
I have a photostat copy of Samuel's will. It was written in his own hand, sharp plainly legible writing, no letter or word of ambiguity, on both sides of one sheet. There are some spellings to question but no mistaking the meaning of what he wrote. It speaks for itself:
"In The Name of God Amen
I Samuel Molby of the Town of Cambria in the County of Hillsdale and State of Michigan of the Age of fifty six yeares and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish and declaire this my last will and testament in maner that is to say (first) I give to my wife Rillar Delight Molby the use of all my real and persinal property during her natural life time if she will Except of it in leiu Dower. At her Disease I wish my preoperty Divided in the following maner to wit That my son Chester Johnathan Molby shall have four Hundred Dollars less than an Eaquel share and my son Joseph Pharo Molby Two Hundred less than Eaquel shaire after deducting all my Just debts I wish my property converted into money and divided as follows to my sons C. J. Molby S. J. Molby J. P. Molby M. E. Molby and my daughters S. J. Molby and N. M. Molby Eaquel and with the above deduction and to my son Isaac Cary Molby my good will and wish and no more as I have given him Two Thousand Dollars before in witness wheareof I have heareunto set my hand and Seale this 17 day of January in yeare of our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Two."
Samuel Molby (seal) Witnesses to signature, Libbie Orvis, Marshal Salyards
My Uncle Martin, son of Samuel, told me that when all Samuel's sons were together after his death they talked of spelling their name Maltby. Chester Jonathan said, "Father has always spelled it MOLBY. I'm not ashamed of father. I shall spell my name MOLBY." And so did they all.