Samuel Molby Data

Baldwinsville Gazette - issue of June 18, 1903

   Obituary - Mrs. Oscar A. Betts

Mrs. Oscar A. Betts died of Heart disease at 2:35 o'clock Tuesday afternoon June 9, 1903, at her home in Coldwater, Mich., at the age of fifty-two years. Although she had been sick for the past four months, part of which time she was confined to her bed, she had been feeling much better the past few days. Monday she was able to be downstairs, and shortly before her death took dinner with the family, and was in the best of spirits.

She was sitting in her chair when the summons came, and passed away before medical aid could be summoned.

Maria Molby was born in Baldwinsville, N.Y., Jan. 28, 1851, and when a girl came with her parents to Hillsdale county. February 26, 1874 she was united in marriage with Oscar A. Betts of Cambria at Jonesville. The greater part of her married life was spent in Hillsdale county, until 1893, when the family removed to Citronelle, Ala., hoping to improve Mrs. Betts' health.

Returning to Michigan in 1897 they settled in Coldwater, where Mr. Betts has since conducted a grocery on West Chicago street.

Besides her husband, Mrs. Betts is survived by two children, George L. of Adrian, and Edna J. of this city. Also four brothers, Joseph Molby, of Coldwater; James of Linn, Kan.; Chester of New York City, and M.E. Molby of Reading; also one sister, Sarah Molby of Cambria, Hillsdale county.

Deceased was a member of the Eastern Star, who will have charge of the funeral at the home Friday morning at 11:30, assisted by Rev. H. P. Collin, and the remains will be taken to Hillsdale for burial.

                                                  Coldwater Courier
Obituary - Oscar Adelbert Betts

Oscar Adelbert Betts died at his home in Centreville just after midnight Thursday morning, May 15, 1930, after a long and trying illness.

He was a son of Ira and Anna Betts, and was born in Pleasant Valley, New York, October 22, 1850, and was 79 years, 6 months and 23 days of age.

During his long life he was engaged in mercantile pursuits in Chicago, Cambria, Matteson and Coldwater. (The latter three in Michigan.) Sixteen years ago he located in Centreville and for a time operated a farm in Lockport township. For eleven years he was in charge of the St. Joseph County Court House and during those years formed friendships statewide.

On Feb. 26, 1874, he was married to Miss Nancy Maria Molby. To them a son and daughter were born. The son, George L., died in 1910. The daughter, Edna Jane Philbrich (Mrs. Frederick C.) of Port Huron.

In his parents family there were four sons and two daughters, of whom only one sister, Mrs. Marvin Jones, of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, survives. There are four grandchildren, Keith of Detroit; Kenneth of Lansing; Mrs. Sherman Richardson of Chicago; Gayle of the U.S. Navy, now located at Los Angeles. There are six great-grandchildren.

He became a Mason fifty years ago and a Knights Templar in Coldwater about thirty years ago.

He was of a most affectionate loyal temperament and his children and friends were his first thought. About a year ago he suffered the amputation of his right leg which was really a sacrifice to his devotion to duty.

During his long illness he has been uncomplaining and his greatest anxiety was to spare others.


