Jonathan Maltby Data




1865 Van Buren Census
        Second Election District              Birthplace     Married
   57.  Lyman Maltby,   45 M. ----   Farmer    Onondaga        Once
        Jane     "      35 F. wife                 "      2      "
        Thomas   "       9 M. child                "
        Fred     "       7 M.   "                  "
        Ellen Wheelan,  19 F. servant          Oswego          Single
                                       June 12, 1865
        Lyman Maltby's wife, Jane Mann, died Jan. 13, 1871, ae. 43 yrs.

When Herman Maltby sold his farm to R. Lincoln Kratzer, the deed read as follows: Nov. 27, 1923, between Herman Maltby and Della Maltby, his wife, and R. L. Kratzer.

                      Recorded Nov. 28, 1923, in book 517, page 179.

Van Buren Vital Records

Mar. 31, 1938. Emma Paddock Maltby, ae. 79-10-10, married, wife of Thaddeus Maltby, here 3 years, born May 21, 1858, in Camillus, housewife, daughter of Isaac Paddock & Susan Marshall, both born Camillus, N.Y.

                        Given by Mrs. John Amidon, Baldwinsville, N.Y.

Tombstone inscriptions, Riverview Cemetery, Baldwinsville, N.Y.

   Maltby Monument: - 3 inscriptions
      Lyman Maltby, born Jan. 18, 1818 - died July 8, 1881
      Charlotte Howe, his wife, born May 20, 1842 - died Jan. 28, 1908
      Jane, wife of Lyman Maltby, died Jan. 13, 1871, aged 42 y's & 9 m's

      Fred Maltby, 1858 - 1914

     (Thaddeus H. Maltby, 1855 - 1930
     (Emma Paddock, his wife, 1858 - 1938

      Herman Maltby is buried on his father's lot but without a stone.

Lyman Maltby's Will Dated June 24, 1881 - Probated July 20, 1881 I, Lyman Maltby, of the town of Van Buren, of the age of 62 years--

First. To my beloved wife Charlotte M. Maltby, all of household property inc. carpets, furniture, beds and bedding, stoves, dishes, crockery. My intention to give her all my personal property used by us in keep- ing house.

Second. To wife all that certain piece or parcel of land, being part of Lot No. 11 in the town of Van Buren and known and distinguished as being all that portion of my homestead farm lying on the west side of the center of the road or highway running through lot No. 11, north and south, past the dwelling house now occupied by me and containing 50 acres of land.


