1850 Van Buren Census 192. Minas Maltby, 33 M. Farming $550 New York Aveline " 31 F. " Atchison " 1 M. " Atchison Meller, 24 M. Laborer Ohio John Haynes, 12 M. New York Sept. 17, 1850 1855 Van Buren Census Second Election District Birthplace Here in twp. 184. Miner Maltby, 37 M. ---- Farmer Onondaga 37 yrs Adaline " 35 F. wife " 18 " Atchison " 5 M. child " 5 " Eleanor " 3 F. " " 3 " Jane Vosburgh, 32 F. sister " 3/12" mar. Alexander " 3 M. nephew " 3/12" June 13, 1855 1865 Van Buren Census Child- Second Election District Birthplace ren Married 59. Miner Maltby, 48 M. ---- Farmer Onondaga Once Adaline " 45 F. wife " 5 " Atchison " 16 M. child " Eleanor " 14 F. " " Alexander " 13 M. adopted " June 12, 1865
Vital Records, Town of Elbridge, at Jordan, N.Y.
Miner Maltby, male, white, widowed, born Oct. 15, 1816, in New York; died Jan. 7, 1914, ae. 97-2-23, farmer, son of Jacob Maltby & Sally Miner, both born N.Y. Buried Weedsport, Bush undertaker.
Given by Mrs. Chas. Nesbitt.
Miner Maltby died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Nesbitt, in the town of Elbridge, near Jordan, N.Y.
Vital Records, Town of Brutus, Cayuga Co., N.Y. Checked many of the other dates here.
The second Mrs. Merritt Maltby would not give me her name or any information. Said she didn't want to be in any record.
Tombstone inscriptions, Weedsport Rural Cemetery Maltby Monument: - four inscriptions Miner Maltby, 1816-1914 Avaline Vosburgh, his wife, 1819-1891 Alexander Maltby, July 10, 1851 - Mar. 6, 1912 Polly Ann crim, his wife, Apr. 22, 1845 - May 27, 1923