The late Dorothy Maltby Verrill was well known for her work as a genealogist. This genealogy is a culmination of her long and diligant undertaking to write a history of a family for which she found documents back in the Middle Ages. The family appears to have been of Norman origin, even to have been related to William the Conqueror who overthrew the reign of King Harold in the year 1066.
Branford, Connecticut, was the home of the Maltby family in America. Mrs. Verrill grew up in New Haven, of which Branford is a part. The 157 page book "Maltby-Morehouse Family", was copyrighted in 1895. The Maltby-Maltbie Family History was compiled by Mrs. Verrill, secretary of The Maltby Association, and published in 1916. It seems that her interest in genealogy increased throughout her lifetime. She knew prominent people. She was at home among them. She wrote interestingly about them.
The writer of this note knew of Mrs. Verrill prior to the publication of Maltby-Maltbie Family History. After 1950, Mrs. Verrill mailed in small parcels a compilation of rather lengthy manuscript (in her own handwriting); she mailed the last installment a few months be- fore her death in 1957. Meanwhile the writer of this note engaged a painstaking typist whose fidelity is unquestioned and well-recognized to type Mrs. Verrill's manuscript. Most of the contents of this book were included in her compilations.
There are a few records in this typed manuscript which Mrs. Verrill did not see and it should be said that she did not read our typed transcription. I can state frankly that the accuracy of the transcription is very near 100%. Spellings, dates and facts are as she wrote them, except for a few of the later descendants of Jonathan IV (Maltby or Molby) born 1751; and those of Mrs. Verrill.
Thanks are due to a great many contributors of family records. Mrs. Verrill made many acknowledgements in this text. The writer should state that he is greatly indebted to a number of persons who have reported data for descendants of Jonathan IV (Maltby/Molby), 1851. In particular the name of Miss Lesley E. Voorhees, local Historian, Baldwinsville, New York, should be given here as an authority. Many public records are quoted.
The reader's attention should be called to "Correct History" by Reverend Jonathan IV Maltby. Also to Armorial Bearings at the end of this genealogy and to an article "Maltby-Maltbie-Molby", contributed by Mrs. Verrill, published in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, October, 1957 and January 1958.
FRED A MOLBY May, 1967.
Baldwin City, Kansas.