Pages Historical Note ---------------------------------------------------------- ii Preface ----------------------------------------------------------------- iii Origin of the Family ------------------------------------------------ 1 to 15 John Maltby, Emigrant, and His Descendants ------------------------- 16 to 26 (See index pages 1 to 78) William Maltby, Emigrant, and His Descendants --------------------- 27 to 733 (See index pages 1 to 78) Maltby Armorial Bearings (Not indexed) -------------------------- 734 to 744 Copy of Rev. Jonathan Maltby's MS. Correct History --------------- 745 to 750 (Not indexed) Supplements: Jonathan (#117) Maltby (or Molby) of Salem, N.Y. and of Camillus, N.Y., and His Descendants -------------------- S 1 to S 67 (See index pages i to xiv) Jonathan (1751) Maltbie (or Molby) and His Ancestry ------ S 68 to S 86 (See index pages i to xiv) Additional Data of Jonathan Maltby's Descendants ----- S 86-1 to S 86-6 (See index page xv) Obituaries (Not indexed) --------------------------------- S 86-7 to S 86-8 Some Old Houses (Not indexed) --------------------------- S 86-9 to S 86-10 Tribute to Miss Lesley E. Voorhees of Baldwinsville, N.Y. ---------- S 86-11 (Not indexed) Indexes and Explanatory Note ------------------------ Following page S 86-11