was as nothing in comparison."
(Note. Hannah Linsley evidently refers to her great-grandfather, Benjamin. The baby was Elihue, who died at the age of 11 days, and the son in the Rev. War was Thaddeus.)
Children of Capt. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Fowler) Maltby. IV.97. Elihu Maltby, b.1753, d. Dec. 19, 1753, at Northford. "aged 11 days." IV.98. Benjamin " b. Jan. 20, 1755, at Northford IV.99. Thaddeus " b. Dec. 19, 1756/7 " IV.100. Jonathan " b. Apr. 21, 1759 " IV.101. Elizabeth " b. Apr. 16, 1761 (or May?), at Northford IV.102. Sarah " b. May 5, 1763, at Northford IV.103. Isaac " b. Nov. 11, 1767 " IV.104. Stephen " b. July 1769 "
Mrs. Frederick E. Foster has a letter written by Rev. Jonathan
Maltby announcing the death of his mother, Elizabeth (Fowler) Maltby.
Also a letter from Jonathan Maltby to his brother, General Isaac
Maltby, dated "Northford, July 12th 1796," as follows:
"Dear Brother.
Last Saturday 9th inst. about 12 o'clock I experienced the most distressing scene of all my life--a scene utterly undescribable by any human tongue.--
--I have survived it and that is the most seemingly that I can add. Our dear honored Father and myself were about getting in some hay and he expressed a desire to load it and as he has repeatedly done it this season I did not make any objectionto it--I supposed as he observed repeatedly that it would be easy for him--he said he could rest while I was raking after the heap--you know it was his element to be at work--We had brought into barn with one load and were putting in the second--had just covered the rigging when pass- ing moderately from one heap to another he fell and tho' he brought with him a considerable quantity of hay and came very gently with it, it was fatal--the instant he struck (which was on his head) he repeated 'I am dead--I am dead.'--O my brother! two times--two times-- were these last words of our dear affectionate Father! I ran to him, and then recollecting a bottle of spirits near at hand I flew like lightning and brot it--perceiving he took notice I cried my dear Father do take a little of this! he opened his lips and recd some and swallowed two or three times--I then beged him to speak-- but alas! he shook his head, just raised a hand, as signal that it was not in his power--I was more alarmed at the first from his words, than his fall--but also his hour is arrived--the divine mandate is issued and these were the last symptoms of life!--A deathlike pale- ness seized that countenance which used to be so fresh and vigorous-- so cheerful and lovely and left him a breathless corpse in my arms-- O my brother! figure to yourself if possible, my infinite distress and my agony--It was however but short--I was in fact now compelled and called from contemplating that his blessed ministering spirits were conveying his departing soul to the celestial paradise the city of the living God amd was ready to wish I might accompany him and did really make a kind of contemplating prayer at the time--such views had I, of the meeting of departed friends in heaven that I could but express them aloud tho' not a living soul present but my-