Children of Hannah Maltby and Abraham Hodgkin. IV.51. Abraham Hodgkin, b. Apr. 9, 1731 (d. about 1750) IV.52. Hannah " b. Feb. 16, 1733. IV.53. John " b. 1735; d. Feb. 23, 1737. IV.54. Jane " b. May 9, 1738. IV.55. Samuel " b. April 21, 1743. IV.56. Lydia " b. Nov. 7, 1745.
III.14. Mary Maltby, b. July 18, 1708 (acc. to Ralph D. Smith) at Saybrook, (John 2, Wm. 1). Mar. Dec. 17, 1735, Gershom Lewis in Guilford, Conn. He was b. Dec. 30, 1704, son of John and Elizabeth (Huckins) Lewis, of Barnstable, Mass. Elizabeth was eldest dau. Of John and Hope (Chipman) Hukins. Hope Chipman was dau. of John and Hope (Howland) Chipman, and Hope Howland was dau. of John and Elizabeth (Tilly) Howland. John Howland was the 13th signer of the "Mayflower" Compact, and John Tilly, father of above Elizabeth, was the 16th signer of the same.
John Lewis, father of Gershom, was son of Edward and Hannah (Cobb) Lewis, dau. of Elder Henry Cobb; Edward Lewis was son of George Lewis from Greenwich, Co. Kent, Eng. He mar. about 1626, in England, Sarah Jenkins. (Gen. Notes of Barnstable Families, Vol. II, p. 116 and ff.)
In 1746-7 Mary and Gershom Lewis were listed as members of the Church at Guilford, Conn. Later they moved to Litchfield, Conn. Where he died Oct. 18, 1766, ae. 62, and she died about 1773.
"Woodruff's Residents in Litchfield, p. 131," states: "The gravestones are still standing in the East Burying Brounds at Litchfield. They are of red sandstone and read:
"Here. .the. .of Mr. Gershom Lewis who died October the. .th A.D. 1766 in the 62 year of h. . age.
"In Memory of Mrs. Mary relict. . . . .86th. . .of her Age" (and on the footstone) "Mary Lewis."
Children: IV.57. John Lewis, b. Oct. 2, 1736; d. Oct. 30, 1758. IV.58. Gershom " b. May 31, 1738; d. Jan. 21, 1739. IV.59. Nathaniel " b. Oct. 22, 1740. IV.60. Mary " b. Dec. 19, 1742. IV.61. Elizabeth " b. Nov. 11, 1745; d. Aug. 19, 1767, b. in Guilford. IV.62. Ozias " b. Oct. 6, 1749-50. IV.63. Reuben " b. Mar. 22, 1753. IV.64. ----
"Of eight children, the first six were born in Guilford, the last two at Litchfield." Ref. (Guilford MS. New Haven Historical Society)
(Smith Gen. by Harriet Southworth (Lewis) Barnes) (Woodruff's Residents in Litchfield).
III.15. Jane Maltby, b. May 12, 1710 (Ref. Ralph D. Smith) (John 2, Wm. 1). She died unmarried.
The Saybrook Records contain the "Distribution of the Estate of Jane Maltbie."
"To John, Elizabeth, minor daughter of Nathaniel Maltbie late of Saybrook, Hannah, wife of Abraham Hodgkin, Mary, wife of Gershom Lewis, and Dorothy wife of Isaac Johnson, Jr. Administration granted to Gershom Lewis, brother-in-law, on the Estate of Jane Maultbie of Guilford." Had no real estate. She was a milliner at Guilford, where she died single, July 24, 1737 aged 25. (This would give her birth as 1712).