Jonathan Maltby is the only survivor of all his Father's family. The beloved companion of his early days is the only one of her Father's family.
(Caleb Smith was a fellow student part of time I was fitting for Yale College).
Were married June 17th, 1787. 8 children.
Isaac Taintor, born Aug. 29, 1788, mar. Clarissa Pardee, East Haven, one daughter died an infant. March 7th 1841 is found dead in his bed. Connecticut--Retired. Hartford.
Jonathan, born April 19, 1790, married Elizabeth Warren, born Feb. 4th 1794, Middlefield, Mass. Children. 3 daughters, 1 son; Harriet E., b. May 8, 1821, married Aug. 31, 1843, John C. Drury, 2 great grand-daughters. Harriet E. Maltby b. July 5, 1844, Sarah born 1847. (Note. These are children of Harriet Elizabeth Maltby Drury).
Sarah Almira, b. April 6, 1824, mar. April 9th 1846 Daniel Hemmingway. (Note. Hemmingway is correct, but left blank in Rev. Jonathan's MS.) Died Dec. 23_d_, 1848 after months of suffering which she bore with a fortitude and patience rarely surpassed in her 24th year.
Joseph Holmes born April 4th 1829. Ellen Warren died.
Abel Holmes, born 12 April, 1792, mar. Sarah B. Lyon, daughter of Nathaniel Lyon, Feb. 19, 1819. Bookseller in New Haven.
Oliver Ellsworth, born May 12, 1794, married Harriet Board of Board- ville, N.J., daughter of Senator Board, Oct. 6, 1840, born May 14, 1810. Children. Harriet, Ellsworth, Mary Amoret.
George, born Oct. 16, 1796, mar. Jane Dixon, 1 daughter.
Lucuis, born Jan. 25, 1798, married Sarah J. Parks, Feb. 18, 1827 6 children (one is not) Ellsworth, Jane, George Erastus, Lucius Upson, Grace Amoret.
Amoret Submit Maltby, born Jan. 11, 1801
Harriet Grace Maltby, born Aug. 14, 1804, in Vernon Sheet, New York.
Elizabeth, born April 1761, married Elnathan Tyler, 1 daughter died an infant. She died March 22, 1781, in 20th year. (Letter to (?) Len_1_ Tyler.)
Sarah Maltby born May 12, 1763, married James Linly, children: James, Harrey, Olivia, Esther, Eveline, Emela, Elizabeth, John, Sarah, Delight, son died 5----
_ Rev. James Harrey Linly (married) born May 5th 1787, married Sophia B. Lyon, daughter of Col. William Lyon, Feb. 1, 1818, died Dec. 26, 1843. He left a beloved wife and 2 amiable, pious daughters,
Elizabeth, Sophia Amelia. S. A. married Rev. Mr. Phelps of the Baptist church in this city. (Note. New Haven.) 1 son.
Olive Linly married Asa Foot, 1 son, Leander. his father died. Esther married Augustus Blackstone, Branford.
2 sons, William, John.
Evelina married ---- Perms.
Emelia married Sam_1_ Cooper, New Haven, 2 sons, 2 daughters.
Dan Smith Cooper lives in this city, merchant, married R. Notts daughter.
Elizabeth married.
John Linly married.
L. J. 5 children 2 sons, 3 daughters, Sarah, Delight occupy the Paternal mansion. (Note. These were daughters of Sarah Maltby and James Linsley).