
Armorial Bearings

Note. The label of three points, was used to denote the eldest son.

"1368/9. John de Mauteby was lord of Maltby and was a feoffee for the Manor of Lanwarde in Weston and Peek hall in Littlehale in Nor- folk and sealed with a plain cross." (I think Littlehale should Titleshall, possibly not).

"1370. Sir John de Maltby used a seal with "2 fishes hauriant in saltire" (but this is clearly the seal of someone else. S. Ricardi, Ga--" (Ref. Walter Rye's "Norfolk Families, p. 518").

I meet this remark that clearly a seal belongs to some other person than the user, various times. I do not feel sure of this. I think there is a good possibility the seal was inherited. As I re- call it in the "Paston Letters," Sir John Paston, son of Margaret (Mawtby) Paston writes his mother to sent him (to London) a particular seal, and if not, one of his other seals.

A few notes are appended in this connection which appear of in- terest.

	Percy quartering.  2 and 3.
	"Gules, 3 lucies, or pikes, haurient, argent, for Lucy."
	Note.  There is a fish named "luce, or pike."
"(Lucy.  Barons Lucy.  "Gules 3 lucies hauriant argent)."

The original Percy arms were 5 diamond shaped forms across the shield.

Percy, Earls of Northumberland. Arms.
Quarterly. four grand quarters
1 and 4.  A lion rampant, azure (being the ancient arms of the Duke
                                 of Brabant and Lovain.)
2 and 3.  gules, 3 lucies, or pikes, hauriant, argent for Lucy."

It seems to me there is a good possibility that such seals be- longed to some one of the missing wives which we find so frequently in all old pedigrees.

Returning to Yorkshire.

The only very old Maltby coat-of-arms known is:

"Argent (silver) on a bend gules (red) three garbs or" (gold). Garbs are sheaves of wheat, and are pre-eminently the arms of the Earl of Chester. They appear largely in Cheshire families. We have to remember that a wife of Fulk, son of Reinfrid, was sister of Ranulf, Earl of chester, and undoubtedly they obtained the "wheat sheaves" in this way.

The earliest record I have of the "three garbs" was kindly sent me by Waldo Sabine, of Harrowgate, Yorks. "In the Reference Room of the Public Library, Harrowgate,Yorks, there is a "MS. Book of Knights, temp. of Edward. I (1274-1307) in Scottish Wars. They are largely from Yorkshire. It was apparently compiled about 1810 and entitles 'Nomina et Arma Illorum Equitum de Com. Ebor qui Amm. Edward Primo Reg Stipendia marebout in Scotia et. Alibi." "The name of Rev. James Raine is on the cover and he may be the comiler. It is obviously the work of a competent person but no sources are given. List is in two parts and the three garbs coat is in the first, the other three coats in the second."

                                        Waldo Sabine"
         (Note "Ebor" - York).


