"he acted as engineer on the survey of the boundary line between Guatemala and Mexico. Dr. Maltby was identified with the State Normal School System in Pennsylvania from 1884 to 1916. In 1884 he became professor of natural sciences at the Normal School at Indiana, Pa. Five years later he resigned to take charge of the training department of the Millersville State Normal School. In 1890 he became principal of the Slippery Rock State Normal School--a position which he filled ably for twenty-six years.
On retiring from the principalship of the Slippery Rock State Nor- mal School he removed to Grove City where he spent his remaining years in congenial study and in activity in the life of the college community. His work as an educator was constructive and beneficial and will remain."
One of Dr. Maltby's own poems was read at his funeral. "Hymn of Prayer." Oh Thou to Whom the suppliant prays, For Thou art Love Divine! May we in these our parting days Pray: "Not my will, but Thine!" Bind up each bleeding, sorrowing heart: Wipe off each blinding tear, That we may find as we depart, New courage without fear. And striving bravely for the right, The good, the true, the pure, Press onward now to win the fight; Our faith in Thee secure. And when our earthly course is run,-- Oh, mystery of Thy grace!-- May we then hear Thy words, "Well done!" And see Thee face to face. A.E.Maltby.
From: "Grove City Reporter, Grove City, Pa."
(Abridged.) "Dr. A. E. Maltby Honored By Trustees of Slippery Rock State Normal School.
At a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees of Slippery Rock State Normal School the following resolution commemorating the service of Dr. A. E. Maltby, was passed. Dr. Maltby was principal of the Slippery Rock Normal for over a quarter of a century and it was under his leader- ship that the school was developed into one of the leading normals of the State.
The resolution follows:
Whereas Dr. Albert E. Maltby departed this life at his home in Grove City, Pennsylvania, on May 27, 1924, the Trustees of Slippery Rock State Normal School, of which institution he was Principal for a period of twenty six years, wishing to make a permanent record thereof, adopt this memorial and appreciation of his worth and work.
Dr. Maltby was born at Pulaski, Jefferson County, N.Y., October 27*, 1850. His preliminary education was obtained in the public schools of Fayetteville, N.Y., after which he entered Cornell University, from