near Louth, Lincoln, is far more likely to be the place our family was of as one of the chief Lincolnshire manors of our ancestors was at Elkington, Lincoln, but a few miles from Louth.
The name Maltby in Danish would be Malt-town as "by" a town. It seems tenable that the Danes who were in England prior to the Norman Conquest, named these places.
Charles Anson Maltby mar. Dec. 20, 1877, Mary D. Breckenridge, she b. Mar. 31, 1854, dau. of General John C. Breckenridge of Lexington, Kentucky. Mr. Maltby practiced Law at 48 Wall Street, New York City. Records furnished by him and his widow.
Children: (The number IX.4515 omitted due to an oversight.) IX.4516. Marion (son) Maltby, b. and d. Nov. 2, 1878. IX.4517. Frances " b. May 3, 1880; d. 1931, unmarried. IX.4518. Mary Breckenridge " b. Aug. 20, 1883. IX.4519. Lees " b. Dec. 19, 1889; d. Nov. 1, 1890. IX.4520. Elizabeth Marshall " b. Apr. 8, 1892.
Breckenridge.Alexander Breckenridge, emigrated from Ireland, 1728; had a son, Robert Breckenridge who mar. Letitia Preston; his son, John Brecken- ridge mar. Mary Hopkins Cabell, and had son, Joseph Cabell Breckenridge who mar. Mary Clay Smith; dau. of Samuel Stanhope and ---- (Wither- spoon) Smith; she a dau. of John Wotherespoon, one of the "Signers of the Declaration of Independence." Their son, John Cabell Breckenridge, was Senator, Vice-President, U.S.A., mar. Mary Cirene Birch. Their dau., Mary Desha Breckenridge mar. Anson Charles Maltby.
Dr. William Cabell, emigrated 1724. Mar. Elizabeth Burks. Their son, Col. Joseph Cabell, mar. Mary Hopkins, dau. of Dr. Arthur and Elizabeth (Pettus) Hopkins, a descendant of Sir John Pettus, one of the Founders of Virginia. Their dau. Mary Hopkins Cabell mar. John Breck- enridge.
VIII.3477. Elizabeth Marshall Maltby, b. Mar. 30, 1850 (Lafayette 7, Anson 6, Tim.5, Sam.4, Sam.3, Sam.2, Wm.1). Some account of Miss Maltby was given under her brother's number VIII.3475, yet, she was too impor- tant a lady not to have, at least, a paragraph to herself. A lady of the old regime. She was exceedingly exclusive and the entree' to her home was considered more or less of an honor.
She had gathered about her many family heirlooms and it was told me that her home was filled with the most wonderful antiques. With her passing, went much of the gracious living of ye olden times, and the dignity of good breeding and courteous manners.
VIII.3482. Mary Electa Hoes, b. July 7, 1845 (Marcia H.7, Anson 6, Tim.5, Sam.4, Sam.3, Sam.2, Wm.1). Mar. Frank Bartol. Res. Brooklyn, N.Y.
Children: IX.4521. Gertrude Bartol. IX.4522. Marcia "
VIII.3485. Marcia Leland, b. ---- (Marcia H.7, Anson 6, Tim.5, Sam.4, Sam.3, Sam.2, Wm.1). Married and had one son--name not given.