"ing in the Currie Inst. came over to greet me and we had a wonderful time together. Miss Rawlins can't talk much Umbundu very well but they all love her and they make each other understand. After a little con- versation they sang beautifully several hymns in Umbundu. They sent messages to Mr. and Mrs. Neipp and I tried to get acquainted with the boys. All are studying to be teachers and evangelists. One, Israel, is just recovering from a bad chest wound from a knife while on a hunt. The heart was injured. It was the one Miss Rawlins asked to pray for me, and my learning the language and medical work. He rose and offered a very grave and earnest prayer. It was very sweet to me: I chose 'Jesus Bids Us Shine' as a closing hymn and went to the Dart's home as the rain held up.
I was to go across the valley to the Mean's School, the Girls' Boarding School to speak at their three o'clock prayer meeting. Mrs. Tucker went with me to interpret, and some of the Ochileso boys were going part way to be sure I took the right path. The school room was crowded full. Mrs. Tucker led. Hymns were sung in English and Portu- guese and prayers were offered by the girls and Mrs. Tucker. I asked the reading of Gal. 2, the last part, and told the girls about the West- minster Camp Girls at the Northfield Summer School and their motto and prayer pledge and advance steps. It was suggested that the girls send them a message and one of the second year class and one of the third rose and gave messages through Mrs. Tucker. They were so good. The girls wanted to be more fully consecrated. Supper was at the Webster's house. One of the girls who gave a message was helping set the table. They told me about her. The child of heathen parents from a heathen village, such a dear, sweet Christian girl, member of the church, faith- ful in her school work and household duties and engaged to be married to one of the best of the Inst. boys. The other girl has a worthless father and a bad mother, but she is good and promising and joined the church the last dry season.
You would just love these people. Oh the faces show what the mission and the grace of God has done for them. At supper Mr. Tucker told of his trip Saturday and Sunday among the out stations. We sat on the porch awhile and then walked back with lanterns in the dark. The mail came. I just hugged my precious letters and saw the happiness of the others as they read theirs. These are such happy days! Your prayers have helped me safe through"
/s/ Mary F. Cushman, M.D.
Before me is a report, intensely interesting, by Dr. Cushman. Ochileso. May 1923. The report mentions that in 5 1/2 months she gave 4,618 treatments; also two surgical operations with anesthetics. One the removal of a tumor the size of an orange, which for seven years had grown in the mouth of a woman. Her recovery was prompt and complete. Two operations and long months of care saved the life of the second.
Out of her own pocket Dr. Cushman was paying for daily assistance at the clinic, to Spunga, one of the school boys, who dressed sores--so gently--sterilized instruments and did other work about the Dispensary. Also to Koseko, the "good angel" of the station who helped especially with the women and babies. Dr. Cushman was the only missionary physician in a region extending from two to four days journey in all directions.
Dr. Cushman began training a young woman, Etumbu, as a nurse, and she also is supported by the doctor. At the beginning of her second year in Africa, she was teaching a Sunday School class in the vemaculas--