VIII.3264. Gladys Blanche Maltby, b. Feb. 8, 1902 (Douglas F.7, Epaphras C.6, Julius 5, Benj.4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Res. (1924) 80 Bay Shore Ave., Long Island, N.Y., unmarried.
VIII.3271. Harriet Elizabeth Bryant, b. Mar. 11, 1877 (Ellen E. Tyler 7, Eliz.6, Sam.5, Benj.4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Apr. 24, 1895, Howard W. Thompson, son of Clarence E. Thompson, a broker. He d. Nov. 3, 1904. They resided in a very attractive corner lot house in West Haven, Conn., near the Green. With my parents, we used occasionally to call there when driving. Very pleasant and hospitable people.
Children: IX.4394J. Doris Thompson, b. Dec. 26, 1899. IX.4395. Marcia " b. Jan. 16, 1902; d. Aug. 30, 1907.
VIII.3272. Rev. Morris E. Alling, b. Nov. 19, 1879, Northford, Ct. (Jeanette Linsley 7, Chas.DeWitt 6, Sam.5, Benj.4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Sept. 2, 1903, Jeane Cook. He was a graduate of Mt. Harman School, of Brown University and Yale Divinity School. At one time he was pastor at Rogers, Arkansas. In later life he purchased the old Linsley home- stead at Northford, Conn., and with his wife they restored the old place, which is situated on Sol's Path.
Within the last few years Mrs. Alling published a book, with numerous illustrations, it being an account of the restoration, entitled: "A Silent Witness in Four Generations." Just prior to American Thanks- giving, 1953, Jeane Alling wrote: "I am having the whole family here for dinner, 29 in all, 5 in high chairs."
Mr. Alling died about 1933.
Children: IX.4396. Eunice Alling, b. Sept. 2, 1904, Rogers, Arkansas. IX.4396A. Jane " b. Mar. 21, 1912, Springfield, Missouri. IX.4396B. Charles Elford Alling, b. Oct. 29, 1915, Rocky Hill, Conn. IX.4396C. Elizabeth " b. Jan. 18, 1916 " " "
VIII.3273. Mary Maltby Alling, b. June 9, 1880 (Jeanette Linsley 7, Chas.DeWitt 6, Sam.5, Benj.4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Oct. 10, 1904, Herbert C. Miller, a Yale alumnus, and one-time manager of the Yale Football Team. Res. (1955) Middletown Turnpike, Northford, Conn.
Children: IX.4396D. Charles Linsley Miller, b. Feb. 2, 1906. IX.4396E. Dr. Herbert C. " b. Nov. 2, 1907. IX.4396F. John Alling " b. July 28, 1915. IX.4396G. Gordon S. " b. Sept. 18, 1920.
VIII.3274. Leila Augusta Maltby, b. Mar. 12, 1875 (Sam.DeWitt 7, Chas. DeWitt 6, Sam.5, Benj.4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Dec. 1902, Clifford W. Leavenworth.
Child: IX.4396H. Clifford W. Leavenworth, Jr., b. 1913. Killed in motor car accident, June, 1939.