VIII.3251. Agnes Gertrude Stevens, b. Nov. 11, 1886, Wallingford, Conn. (Harriet A.7, Epaphras C.6, Julius 5, Benj.4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Nov. 22, 1913, Jared Linsley of Northford, Conn., where they reside 1954. (Marriage date may be October.)
Children: IX.4393. Harriet Maltby Linsley, b. Oct. 25, 1914; d. Dec. 1923. IX.4394. Jared Linsley, Jr., b. May 23, 1920. IX.4394A. John Hitchcock Linsley, b. June 1925, Northford, Ct.VIII.3252. Maltby Stevens, b. Aug. 29, 1895, Glastonbury, Conn. (Harriet A.7, Epaphras C.6, Julius 5, Benj.4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Oct. 12, 1915, Anna Lynel of Wallingford. No children. Mr. Stevens is now, 1954- 1955 President of the "International Silver Company," having succeeded his elder brother, Mr. Evarts C. Stevens, in 1951.
Mr. May has written but little of him. He is mentioned in a letter dated "Sept. 20, 1943" as follows:--"Craig Munson has established head- quarters at Factory H. where he and Maltby Stevens head up the War Production Division."
Mr. Stevens was a Director of the Company in 1937 and Vice-Presi- dent, 1945.
Note. Although permission was kindly given by Mr. Earl Chaping May to abstract from his book, "A Century of Silver," the subject is so vast, that in reality very little has been taken from this source.
Briefly, I am indebted to Mr. Evarts C. Stevens and to Mr. May, to the publishers of Mr. May's book, Robert McBride Company, New York. Also, surprisingly--as indicated by the following letter--to yet another publishing concern--Quote:
"Crown Publishers Inc. 419 Fourth Avenue, New York, 16 N.Y. Dec. 22, 1954
"We are happy to give you permission to quote from A Century of Silver, provided you give credit to the author, to McBride Company and include, "Used by permission of Crown Publishers, Inc."
(Signed) Carolyn Wood."
(No indication as to the position she holds with this company).
(Who's Who in America" Vol. 26, 1950-1951)
"Stevens, Maltby, business exec; b. Glastonbury, Conn; Aug. 29,1895. s. Elizur and Harriet Amelia (Maltby) Stevens; educated public schools, Wallingford, Conn., mar. Anna E. Lynch, Oct. 12, 1915; various positions with International Silver Co., Meriden, conn. 1912-19; foremen, 1921-22; asst. supt. 1922-28; manager, 1929-45, vice-president since 1945; dir- ector since 1938; director the International Silver Co. of Canada; Wallingford Bank and Trust Co., Meriden Hospital; Mem. Court of Burgess- es, Wallingford, 1920-26. Served on Mexican Border, with the 5th Conn. Cavalry, 1916; with 102nd. M.G. Battn., U.S.Army, France, 1917-19. Mem. Mfrs. Assn. of Conn. (dir. 1944-48); mfrs. Assoc. Meriden (dir). Republi- can, Congregationalist. Clubs. Home (Meriden), (past pres); Metabetchouan (Kisiserik, P.Q.) Country, Wallingford (bd. goos.) 1936-40. Home 364 S. Main, Wallingford. Office. The International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn.