Mr. Stevens was vice-president of "International Silver", 1929- 1935; and their president from 1935 to 1951, when he was elected Chair- man of the Board--a position he still holds in 1954/5.
It was during his term of office as president the "International Silver" was faced--as were so many manufacturers--with the stupendous task of converting, one might say "almost overnight"--a silver industry into that of a manufacture devoted to the supplies of War, rifles, bombs, etc.
It can readily be imagined that a Silver plant was not easily con- verted to such purpose and also that a very different kind of scient- tific and technical knowledge was required by their staff as well as careful and great skill by the personnel, yet this was accomplished in a surprisingly short space of time.
Besides these incendiary bombs, etc., "International" furnished the Army and Navy with 250,000,000 pieces of flatware.
Later, with a large stock of armaments ready for shipment, at a moments notice, these no longer were required. Then came the task of reconverting to the manufacture of silver, which also was accomplished in a remarkably short time.
Mr. May has set forth this history in an attractively written book. We strongly recommend it as the history of what just one body of men-- and women--did to aid their country and shorten the war.
Note. Descendants may be interested in learning that Mr. Evarts C. Stevens son, Evarts, was a schoolmate of the son of Sir Thomas Lawson Tancred, baronet, who is also of Maltby blood, being a lineal descendant of Frances Maltby, born 1608, who married Thomas Tancred, baronet. Sir Thomas descends from the old Yorkshire family of Maltby and Muston, and evidently traces back to Reinfrid of 1069 A.D.
In later years young Stevens visited Sir Thomas and his family at their Yorkshire home.
Stevens Ancestry.
Stevens: 1. John; 2. Timothy; 3. Rev. Timothy; 4. Joseph; 5. Elisha; 6. Milton; 7. David Sterne; 8. Elizur; 9. Evarts Chapman; 10. Evarts Chapman, Jr. and John Bradford; 11. John VanDyke, son of Evarts, Jr. and John Bradford, Jr., son of John Bradford.
(From "Who's Who in America")
Vol. 26, 1950-51.
"Stevens, Evarts Chapman, dir. International Silver Co., b. Walling- ford, Conn., Jan. 13, 1885, son of Elizur Seneca and Harriet Amelia (Maltby) Stevens; ed. private schools, and New Haven, Conn., High School. Mar. Lilly Garvie, Feb. 12, 1907. Children: Evarts Chapman, John Brad- ford. Began as foreman with Internat. Silver Co., 1906, Assist. Supt. 1908-19; manager, 1919-1928, vice-pres. 1929-1935; president since 1935; dir. Internat. Silver Co. of Canada, Lts., Vice-pres. Dime Savings Bank, (Wallingford); vice-pres. director Home National Bank. Director Manufacturers Association of Connecticut, Inc.; 1934-38, National Manu- facturers Assoc. 1935-6. Member of Wallingford Bd. of Education, 1917- 1929, Board of Water Commrs., 1924-28; served in Connecticut State and Nat. Guard, 1917-22; Capt. in O.R.C. 1922-27. Memb. Sons American Rev. Republican. Congregationalist, Mason. Clubs: Home (Meriden); Metabet- chouan Club (Kiskiing, Quebec); Wallingford Country. Home: Strawberry Hill, Northford Road, Wallingford, Connecticut. Office, International Silver Co., Meriden, Conn."