"died at Aberdeen, Md., on Jan. 14, after an illness of but a few days of pneumonia following an attack of influenza.
For nine years he was employed in the office of Cram and Ferguson, church architects of Boston, which position he held until called by the Government to the Architectural Division at Aberdeen Proving Grounds last year, where by his efforts and engaging personality he had carried their highest esteem. He was deeply interested in art and a member of the New England Society for the preservation of Colonial Buildings. Mr. Dean had a wide circle of friends both in Boston and New York.
His funeral was held Friday afternoon at the home of his aunt, Mrs. W. R. Hubbell, where a very impressive service was conducted by Rev. Lee Maltbie Dean, of Marlborough, N.Y., and was laid at rest in Sand Hill cemetery where his sister, Mrs. Olive Dean Taylor was placed but two months previous."
VIII.3075. Olive Elizabeth Dean, b. June 6, 1886 (Seraph E.7, Chas.B.6, Elon 5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. July 12, 1911, John H. Taylor. Res. (1906) Bridgeport, Conn. She died with her new-born babe, Nov. 11, 1918, at New York City. Bur. at Falls Village, Conn., a very sweet and lovely girl.
VIII.3083. Marion Maltby Mayhew, b. July 30, 1877 (Dr.M.Mayhew 7, Julia 6, Julia Rose 5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). She has a double line of Maltby descent, through her mother, Betsey Patchin Maltby (Edmund 6, Nath.5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1) as well as through her father. Dr. Mayhew and his wife were 2nd cousins. She d. Feb. 7, 1901, at Cortland, Ohio. Bur. at Bristol, O., probably unmarried.
VIII.3090. Ruth McNavy Maltby, b. Dec. 2, 1885, Champaign, Ill. (Col. Frank Bierce 7, Warren 6, Nath.H.5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. 1907, Albert C. Cornell, who died in 1935. Res. (1955) 6115 W. 38th Ave., Wheat Ridge, Colorado.
Children: IX.4303. Ellen Cornell, b. Oct. 1909, Ellendale, Mo. IX.4304. Mary Evelyn " b. July 22, 1923, Denver, Col. IX.4305. Patricia Ann" b. Jan. 16, 1926 " " IX.4306. Frances " b. Sept. 23, 1928 " "
VIII.3091. Marion Elizabeth Maltby, b. Oct. 25, 1887 (Frank B.7, Warren 6, Nath.H.5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. ca. 1925 or 1926, William T. Sapp. Res. in St. Louis and in 1935 had no children. Res. (1941) 4946 Fairview Avenue, St. Louis.
VIII.3093. Frank Maltby Wallace, b. Mar. 15, 1895, Champaign, Ill. (Helen E.7, Warren 6, Nath.H.5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. May 31, 1924, Addie Elizabeth Amsbary, at Champaign, Ill.
Mr. Wallace is Vice-President and Secretary of the Northern Trust Company, 50 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 90, Ill. His university was U. of Illinois. (1955) 729 Milburn Street, Evanston, Ill.Children: IX.4306A. Elizabeth (Betsey) Adelaide Wallace, b. Aug. 15, 1926. IX.4306B. David Maltby Wallace, b. Apr. 4, 1928. IX.4306C. Harriet Amsbary " b. Apr. 11, 1929.