VIII.3059. Dr. Milo Roy Maltbie, b. Apr. 3, 1871 (Henry Munson 7, Milo H.6, Elon 5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1).
(Sketch from Who is Who in America)
"Maltbie, Milo Roy, public utility consultant; b. Hirickley, Ill., Apr. 3, 1871, son of Henry M. and Harriet Delano Maltbie; Ph.B, Upp??, Iowa U., 1892; Ph.M., Northwestern, 1893; Ph.D., Columbia 1897; LLD, U.I.V. 1942; m. Lucia McCosh, July 11, 1901. Prof. economics and mathematics, Mt. Morris, (Ill.) Col., 1893-95; fellow in administrative law, Columbia, 1895-96; sec. Reform Club Com. on City affairs, 1897-1902; Sec. New York Art Comm., 1902-7; mem. Public service Commission of New York, 1st District 1907-1915; mem. advisory board on r.r. valuation, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1915-16; chamberlain (treasurer) of City of N.Y., 1916-18; chan. Public Service Commission of N.Y. State and head of N.Y. State Dept. Public Service, Mar. 20, 1930-Jan. 22, 1949 (resigned).
Consultant and expert on public utilities since 1915. Editor of Municipal Affairs, 1897-1903; traveled in Europe in summer of 1899, investigating municipal problems for Reform Club, and in 1903 civic art; prize lecturer on municipal government, Columbia, 1900; conducted in- vestigation in Great Britain into relative merits of municipal and pri- vate management of public utilities, 1906. War work in War Dept (ordnance and finance) U.S. Shipping Bd. and War Industry Bd. 1917-1919. Member Am. Econ. Assn; Am. Political Science Assn; Academy Pol. Sci; Author, English Local Government of To-day, 1897; Municipal Functions, 1898; Street Railways of Chicago, 1901; Contbr. to econ. jours. Clubs: Downtown Athletic; Cosmos, (Washington, D.C.) Home 580 West End Ave., New York, N.Y. (1954/5)"
Dr. Milo Roy Maltbie became 1st Vice-President of the Maltby- Maltbie Association. His picture was printed on page 76, of the Maltby Booklet No. 2, in 1907. There were no children.
VIII.3062. Jessie Hanchett, b. Mar. 1, 1871 (John Hanchett 7,Laura A.6, Elon 5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Oct. 18, 1889, Austin Hamblen, at Orange, New Jersey.
Children: IX.4299. Helen Frances Hamblen, b. May 18, 1890, Orange, N.J. IX.4300. Jessie Ruth " b. July 20, 1891. IX.4301. Daughter " b. Apr. IX.4302. Son " b.
VIII.3072. Rev. Lee Maltbie Dean, b. May 16, 1875, Falls Village, Conn. (Seraph E.7, Chas.B.6, Elon 5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). I think he was Pastor of a church in New Haven and later of a church in Fair Haven. At the time of his mother's death he was not married.
VIII.3074. Henry Charles Dean, b. June 8, 1885 (Seraph E.7, Chas.B.6, Elon 5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). He was an Artist and Architect. He painted the place cards for the luncheon at the Maltby Family Reunion at Branford, Conn. The design was the Yorkshire Maltby coat-of-arms with crest and motto. Died Jan. 1919.
Obituary "Falls Village. Henry C. Dean.
"Henry Charles Dean, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Dean, of Falls Village,