The following list is of Mr. Maltbie's Colonial ancestors, sent by Mrs. Maltbie and Acsah.
1. Maltbie, William 30. Hubbard, Geo. 2. Adams, Robert 31. Johnson, John 3. Allen, Capt. John 32. Kilbourn, Thomas 4. Baldwin, John 33. Lothrop, Rev. John 5. Bartholomew, Wm. 34. Lyman, Richard 6. Bishop, John 35. Moss, John 7. Bliss, Thomas 36. Marvin, Matthew 8. Bronson, John (2 lines) 37. Merrill, Thomas 9. Bruen, Obadiah 38. Mitchell, John 10. Bullard, Wm. 39. Pettibone 11. Churchill, Hannah 40. Pratt, John 12. Coleman, Thomas 41. Porter, Elizabeth 13. Collins, Rebecca 42. Pierce, Sarah 14. Chittenden, Mercy 43. Rose, Jonathan 15. Cowles, John 44. Royce, Robert 16. Downing, Mary 45. Smith, Asahel, Rev. War 17. Eggleston, Begat 46. Smith, Richard 18. Farrington, John 47. Scudder, Thomas 19. Fox, Richard 48. Shaler, Thomas 20. Francis, Robert 49. Sims, Mary 21. Fishe, Edward (2 lines) 50. Spencer, Jarred 22. Goodrich, Wm. (2 lines) 51. Stanley, Timothy 23. Granger, Launcelot 52. Treat,Richard(father of Gov.Robert) 24. Harrison, Richard 53. Treat, Matthias 25. Harriman, Mary 54. Trumbull, Clarissa 26. Hills, Wm. 55. Wells, Thomas 27. Hoadley, Wm. 56. Wright, Tunis 28. Holcomb, Lieut. John (2 lines) 57. Wyatt, John 29. Hollister, Lieut.John (2 lines) 58. Younglove, Rev. John
VIII.2793. Percy Granger Maltbie, b. Aug. 12, 1868 (James D.7, Noah 6, Noah 5, Noah 4, Jos.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). "Mar. Mch. 29, 1900, Elsa Smith, at Vancouver, Washington. She d. Nov. 3, 1901, Vancouver, Wash. He mar. (2) Aug. 10, 1904, Elfie Harrison, at Spokane, Wash. He organized a Militia Co. at Waterville, Wash., and 1898, was appointed Capt. of Co. D., First Washington Vol., Res. Wilson Creek, Wash., and (1930) Dishman, Washington.
Child: IX.4123. Fannie Elsie Maltbie, b. June 6, 1901; d. Feb. 1, 1902.
VIII.2794. Appelton Noah Maltbie, b. Mar. 27, 1870 in Iowa. (James D.7, Noah 6, Noah 5, Noah 4, Jos.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Jan. 18, 1891, Tressa Rosetta Riggs, b. Mar. 3, 1873, Oregon. He was County Clerk and resided Waterville, Wash. He d. White Bluffs, Wash. After Appleton's death his widow mar. a Mr. Lindsey. She obtained a divorce and again took the name of Maltbie.
Child: IX.4124. Glessie Estella Maltbie, b. Oct. 24, 1891, Waterville, Wash. mar. Feb. 12, 1908, William Farley.