VIII.2778. Thornton Maltby Victory, b. Tues. May 17, 1892, Santa Fe, New Mexico (Mary Persis 7, Norman 6, John 5, Wm.4, Jos.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Graduated June, 1915, from the University of Colorado as an Electrical Engineer, became employed by the General Electric Company of Schnectedy, N.Y. Mar. Sept. 13, 1920, Agnes Amelia Nelson, at Gloverville, N.Y. She b. 2-21-1892, Boston, Mass., dau. of Mrs. Signe Nelson. Res. at Mina Carlota, Cumanayagua, Province de Santa Clara, Cuba; later at Apartado 1715, Havana, Cuba.Child: IX.4107. Seva Patricia Victory, b. Apr. 3, 1932, Havana, Cuba. (She was our youngest member of the M.A., joining May 2, 1932, at the age of 1 month, less 5 day.)Newspaper clippings.
"Young Victory, Master Engineer Going Overseas."Mrs. F. R. Victory of this city has returned from Washington where she bade good-bye to her son, Thornton M. Victory, master Engineer, head-quarters, 2nd battalion, 37th Engineers, who is one of a thousand picked Engineers expected to leave in the near future for service in France. Young Victory who is 26 years of age, enlisted last December, and served as draftsman for a while in the office at Washington of the director in charge of railroad building in France. Victory is an expert electrician formerly employed by the General Electric company. He is now at Fort Myer, Va. His mother's visit was the first she had had with him for three years."
"January 28, 1919.""Thornton Victory of this City One of First Boys to Cross the Rhine."
Germans in Coblenz Not Particularly Pleased to see Americans in Charge, and Gave Yanks Glassy Stare, says Interesting Letter to Mother Here.
Thornton Victory of this city, a member of the 37th Engineers, United States Army, was among the first contingent of American troops to cross the Rhine river. He has written to his mother, Mrs. J. P. Victory, telling of his experiences. After a description of events following immediately after the armistice, Young Victory writes:--
"At Conflaus we took a lot of German box-cars and built bunks in them. We placed stoves and chairs and mattresses in the cars. We got some large ranges and boilers and made a kitchen. We also installed an electric light plant on the train, so we have all the conveniences of a deluxe train, sixteen men to a car. We also got some German engines. We went from Conflaus to the city of Luxemburg where we spent ten days. From there we moved down the Moselle river to Coblentz (arriving there Dec. 5, or a week ahead of the army of occupation). Our party consisted of two trains of 200 men. We were the first American troops to reach the Rhine and were then almost a week ahead of the others. Our business was to inspect the railroads, so we had no orders to take over the policing of the towns on the Rhine. The German soldiers were still policing Coblenz, and we wandered all over the place in groups of two or more and was all of the sights. We always went armed, but were never molested by any of the Germans. The Germans did not look as though they were very glad to see us and sort of gave us a cold, glassy, inquisitive stare. The people of Luxemburg received us with open arms."
A newspaper clipping bearing a Collenz date-line states that the 37th Engineers were soon to be brought back to the United States and confirms young Victory's statement that that regiment was the first