VIII.2613. Sergt. Orrin Earl (called Earl) Maltby, b. Sept. 27, 1896, (Grove B.7, Orrin 6, Chandler 5, Jos.4, Jos.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Enlisted the day after Decoration Day, May, 1918, in the Medical Div. Took training at Camp Greenleaf and Gordon, Ga., thence to Camp Upton, L.I. Was twice promoted and "expects another when he gets overseas." It is believed he went to France. Was in Base Hospital No. 91, A.E.F., Army P.O.747. Unmarried in 1927 and at College at Big Rapids, Mich. (Photo, in uniform, beside a gun). He married Aug. 31, 1935, Ilah Bertha Winkler. No children. Res. (1955) 405 West Taylor St., Flint, Michigan. After finishing High School, studied business administration at Ferris Inst., Big Rapids, Michigan, for four years. Is now employed by a local public accounting and income tax firm. Served fourteen months overseas as Sergt. First Class, in medical corps.
VIII.2614. Cecil George Maltby, b. Feb. 25, 1900 (1901?), (Grove B.7, Orrin 6, Chandler 5, Jos.4, Jos.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Aug. 13, 1921, Lura Fern Mick. Res. (1955) 854 Perry St., Flint, Michigan.
Children: IX.4011A. Audrey Janet Maltby, b. June 30, 1923. IX.4011B. Shirley Alice " b. Sept. 24, 1926. IX.4011C. Jacqueline Mae " b. Oct. 8, 1934. Audrey Janet is a graduate of Michigan Normal School at Ypsilanti, Michigan.
VIII.2615. Roy Alvin Maltby, b. May 1, 1903 (Grove B.7, Orrin 6, Chand- ler 5, Jos.4, Jos.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Oct. 15, 1927, Florence Isabelle Smith. Res. (1955) Freeland, Mich., where he is employed in engineering department at Dow Chemical Company. Note Earl writes Roy did not study in England. "After completing High School he went to Junior College, Flint, Mich., two years and studied engineering."
Children: IX.4011D. William Roy Maltby, b. Apr. 3, 1930. IX.4011E. Richard Allen " b. May 21, 1937.
Previous information stated Roy Alvin Maltby was with Wright and Nice, Architects, studied two years in England at College M. S. C.
VIII.2617. Bessie Marie Maltby, b. July 17, 1908 (Grove B.7, Orrin 6, Chandler 5, Jos.4, Jos.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Sept. 3, 1932, Russell Sykes Shurte. Res. (1955) 2609 Gibson St. Flint, Michigan.
Children: IX.4011F. Donald Bruce Shurte, b. June 14, 1933. IX.4011G. Carol Lynn " b. Oct. 22, 1937.
VIII.2628. Ethel Lillian Carter, b. Dec. 7, 1871 (Maltby Carter 7, Sabra 6, Chandler 5, Jos.4, Jos.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). She and her father furnished records of the Carters. She was unmarried. Later resided Toledo or Detroit. (Photo owned by compiler).
VIII.2631. Robert Arnold Carter, b. Aug. 24, 1888 (Maltby Carter 7, Sabra 6, Chandler 5, Jos.4, Jos.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Elizabeth Austin.
Children: IX.4012. Robert Austin Carter, b. Apr. 21, 1907; d. July 15, 1907. IX.4013. Harry " b. 1908. IX.4014. Betty " b.