Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

tailed, and its difficulties, with all, a warm-hearted and generous support, financially.

Descending from Capt. Jonathan (4) Maltbie, who valiantly served the cause of right and freedom, during the Revolutionary War--she up- held the same standard in her daily life--always standing for high principles and justice.

She was an example and an inspiration to greater effort, greater achievement, to all those who knew her, and because they knew her-- loved her.

Just as 850 years previously, her ancestor, Reinfrid, "a valliant soldier in the Conqueror's Army" is recorded to us as:--"He lived beloved and respected" and when he died, "his little body" was brought to Hachness, where he was buried before the altar of St. Peter the Apostle," so, after eight centuries, Katharine, having lived beloved and respected--a valliant soldier in the army of Christ, the Conqueror, died and "her little body" was laid to rest.

                                    In loving memory.
                                    Dorothy Maltby Verrill.

VII.2331. Benjamin Coley Lynes, b. Feb. 2, 1852 (Benj.Lynes 6, Hannah 5, Jonathan 4, Jonathan 3, Jonathan 2, Wm.1). Mar. Jan. 8, 1879, Lucy Wildman Lacy. He d. July 2, 1927. His sister, Emily Lynes, wrote of him: "One of the last things he did was to sign a paper of his elegi- bility to the Order of the Cincinnati, in favour of our cousin, Edward Barenger Lynes, son of Edward Hoffman Lynes (7), deceased. The Socie- ty meets once a year on July the fourth, and Edward B. Lynes was elected a member this year."

VIII.3720.  Elizabeth Lynes, b. Apr. 23, 1880.

VII.2334. Grace Elizabeth Lynes, b. Aug. 15, 1859 (Benj.Lynes 6, Hannah 5, Jonathan 4, Jonathan 3, Jonathan 2, Wm.1). Original member of Maltby Association. The husband of her sister Katharine died not long after their marriage, and Grace and Katharine lived at 252 West 76th St., New York City. She never married and following the death of Katherine in 1935, she lived with her niece (by marriage) at Danbury, Conn. Some ten years ago, about 1944, her letters stopped. She had been a faithful friend for many years.

VII.2336. Emily Augusta Lynes, b. Aug. 15, 1860 (Sam.Lynes 6, Hannah 5, Jonathan 4, Jonathan 3, Jonathan 2, Wm.1). She was an original member of Maltby Association from 1903, until her death, about 1940. Res. Norwalk, Conn. She came to see my mother at New Haven, Conn., in 1894. A sweet, and very pretty lady, with dark brown hair and large brown eyes. From 1894 until her death she was a dear friend and correspon- dant. Words do not convey the character of these three lovely women:--

		VII.2330. Katharine Gemmel Lynes.
		VII.2334. Grace Elizabeth Lynes.
		VII.2336. Emily Augusta Lynes.

To all of these I wish to make an expression of profoundest grati- tude, for their great assistance and interest in the Maltbie work, both financially and for their encouragement, for their long years of faithful, sincere kinship in times of plenty or through adversity, and the uplifting which came from the hearts of these three lovely Christian women.

	These words are written in loving gratitude.
                        Dorothy Maltby Verrill.





