(Vol. XXIII Part I, p. 699) Lexington. July 6, 1863. General Hartsuft.
Three companies of my regiment are still in the mountains. Shall I order them to remain at Mount Sterling when they come in? There is a large amount of stores at that point. They can protect them at present.
R.R.Maltby Lieut-Col. Tenth Kentucky Cavalry (p.382) General Orders.
I, the general commanding tenders his hearty thanks and con- gratulations to Col. John (F) DeCourcy and the officers and men under his command, namely the Eighth and Ninth Regiments Michigan Cavalry under Colonel Stockton, the Tenth Kentucky Cavalry, under Lieutenant- Colonel Maltby, etc.
(p.838) Scotts Raid in Eastern Kentucky.
Letter from Thos. L. Young, Lieutenant-Colonel. 118th Ohio Vol. Infantry.
"During the night following, Colonel Maltby and Ross arrived from Winchester bringing with them some prisoners taken at that place."
(Time in the library did not permit study of further references.)
VII.2091. Marie Josephine Maltby, b. Mar. 18, 1832 (Tim.6, Tim.5, Sam. 4, Sam.3, Sam.2, Wm.1). Mar. June 14, 1852, James Brewer, at Richland. No children.
VII.2092. Chauncy Smith Maltby, b. Oct. 10, 1833 (Tim.6, Tim.5, Sam.4, Sam.3, Sam.2, Wm.1). Mar. June 4(or 14), 1852, Mary Jane Chouch, of Mexico, N.Y. He was in the Civil War, "in Union Army for a long time." His wife was b. Mar. 14, 1833.
Children: VIII.3523. Lizzie Josephine Maltby, b. May 1, 1854. VIII.3524. Ada Mae " b. Sept. 25, 1867. VIII.3525. Frank Edson " b. Aug. 28, 1869. VIII.3526. Ray " b. Aug. 15, 1874; unmar.1917. Res. Grand Ledge, Mich. VIII.3527. Teressa Naomi " b. Mar. 25, 1880.
VII.2093. Emma Celestia Maltby, b. Dec. 20, 1835 (Tim.6, Tim.5, Sam.4, Sam.3, Sam.2, Wm.1). Mar. Oramel Tupper ("a relative of Tupper, the Author"). She mar. (2) Alphonso Huson. Res. Waldo, Wisconsin.
Children: VIII.3528. Otis M. Tupper, b. Oct. 7, 1857; d. Jan. 11, 1879. VIII.3529. Beulah J. " b. July 7, 1861. VIII.3530. Oramel " b. Mar. 6, 1863. By 2nd husband: VIII.3531. John D. Huson, b. Aug. 22, 1870. VIII.3532. Harriet " b. Feb. 4, 1873; mar. Charles Hazen. Res. Phelps, Vilas Co., Wis. (no reply to letters).