"remaining veterans for their old commander as displayed was beauti- ful. These annual gatherings in the future will lack much of their attractiveness because of the absence of the old Colonel.
Colonel Ralph Robinson Maltby had been a resident of this state for over half a century. Few have resided in this portion of the country so long and his labors have been directed to those channels which have proved of marked benefit to the community, for while pro- moting individuals success, he has also contributed to the general prosperity.
Colonel Maltby was born in Oswego county, N.Y., in 1830, on the 18th day of April, the son of Timothy and Huldah Maltby, who were natives of Connecticut and Vermont, respectively. They reared a fam- ily of twelve children and gave them all good educations."
In 1850, when the Colonel was twenty years old, he came to Ken- tucky, having learned the manufacturing of paper, but did not follow the business, as he was without capital to start an industry as ex- pensive as that would be, so he engaged himself in a smaller manner until 1852 when he entered into merchandising and was successful. He was for 25 years a salesman of the firm of McAlpin and Co., of Cin- cinnati, and conducted a store at Washington from 1852 until the war between the states broke out, when he closed his store and enlisted in October, 1861, as adjutant of the Sixteenth Kentucky Infantry, under command of Colonel Charles A. Marshall.
Colonel Maltby served in this position until August, 1862, when he organized the Tenth Kentucky Cavalry of Maysville and was colonel of the same during the term of service. The regiment was mustered out in 1863, after its twelve months of service, after which Colonel Maltby resumed business until 1866 when he built a woolen factory at Murphys- ville. This was destroyed by fire in 1872 and he engaged in the wholesale business in Cincinnati.
The Colonel was a remarkable man in more than one way. Although he was quite advanced in age, he had never been incapacitated by ill- ness, other than accident, from moving about and pursuing an active avocation until recent years.
In 1855 he married Mary Tittia Goggin, daughter of Colonel L.B. Goggin, of this county. Mrs. Maltby died June 13, 1893, at Washington. Their marriage was performed in the home at Washington which was built by Governor John Chambers about 1810, and now owned by his only son, Mr. Lucien G. Maltby.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the Washington Presbyterian church and burial will be made in the Washington cemetery. The family requests that flowers be omitted."
"An Appreciation." "Know ye not there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel. 2-Sam. 3:38."
"It is with profound sorrow that I have learned of the death of Col. R.R.Maltby. His long and stainless life spent for the most part in Mason county, has closed, and his record is on high. He moved among us with such regularity and composure that it seemed fitting that his departure should be long delayed. How steadily he kept 'the even tenor of his way'. How gently he descended the declivity of time! How peacefully he sank to his rest! We shall not lament him for his work was done!
Col. Maltby was a man of pleasing address, there was no fawning or