Children of Hiram Maltby and Almina Alexander: VIII.3486. Mary Jane Maltby, b. Feb. 22, 1842. VIII.3487. Albert Alexander Maltby, b. Jan. 20, 1844; d. 1902/3, Albany, N.Y. VIII.3488. Ulric Z. " b. Jan. 9, 1848. VIII.3489. Martha Elizabeth " b. Nov. 7, 1850. VIII.3490. Jessie Elinor " b. Dec. 29, 1859.
Letter from Mrs. Hiram Maltby, Pulaski, N.Y., Mch. 25, 1890. (Evidently to her niece, Alta (Maltby) Austin.)
"There are no end of Maltbys in Oneida Co., Herkimer Co., of this State, are full of them. There is also a settlement of them in the North part of Jefferson Co. There are several of the name in Walentown(?), who are not related to Uncle John, excepting away back.
There was a Maltby in Cincinnati who was Dean of the Eclectic Medical College there, who had four daughters, all artists, one of them your Aunt Jessie became well acquainted with when she first went to Kentucky; the same who painted a likeness of your great grand- father for Uncle Ralph.
Your aunt Jessie found in a famous picture Gallery in Birmingham, England, the picture of a lady whose maiden name was Maltby."
(I wrote the Birmingham Gallery but they could not locate this portrait. Possibly it was on loan.)
VII.2085. Jane Maltby, b. Dec. 20, 1819 (Tim.6, Tim.5, Sam.4, Sam.3, Sam.2, Wm.1). Mar. Jan. 18 (20?), 1841, John Parrish at Richland, N.Y.
Children: VIII.3491. Harriet Parrish, b. Feb. 20, 1842. VIII.3492. Mary Chrina " b. May 13, 1843; d. Aug. 14, 1844. VIII.3493. Mary T. " b. Apr. 2, 1845. VIII.3494. Adora B. " b. Sept. 10, 1847; d. Jan. 1, 1861. VIII.3495. Sheldon A. " b. Sept. 11, 1849; d. Dec. 21, 1860. VIII.3496. Julia J. " b. July 10, 1851. VIII.3497. Ralph R. " b. July 18, 1853. VIII.3498. Lettia B. " b. Nov. 25, 1857. VIII.3499. John Orville " b. Feb. 7, 1860. VIII.3500. Nellie J. " b. June 4, 1862. Ralph R. Parrish of Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, sent the follow- ing:
Biographical Sketch of John and Jane Maltby Parrish.
"These worthy couples came to Sheboygan County in 1844, four years before Wisconsin was admitted to the Union. With their family, they embarked on the propeller "Vandalia," one of the finest built, taking twenty two days to make the trip. They intended to locate at Milwaukee, but on arriving at that place they changed their plans, loaded their goods into four wagons drawn by oxen, and started for Sheboygan County. The journey was tedious, but was full of interes- ting experiences. On coming to the Milwaukee River, they found the stream very much swollen, and how to cross this without bridge or ferry-boat was the problem. The old Indian, Waubaca, and his warriors, lived close by, but their only means of crossing the river was by canoe. When the Indians saw their white brothers halted by the raging torrent, they gave vent to a shout. The sturdy New England grit, how- ever, was not easily put to fight (flight?). By means of the canoes,