Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

VII.2046. Charles Townshend Maltby, b. Sept. 8, 1858, New Haven. (Geo.W.6, Augustus 5, Stephen 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Eliza Cozard. Res. New Haven. He d. July 27, 1904. No children. (Obituary. "New Haven Journal and Courier, July 29, 1904")

"Charles Townshend Maltby, a member of the firm of Benedict, Pardee and Company, wholesale coal dealers, on Meadow Street, died Wednesday afternoon at his home on George Street, after an illness of several days.

Mr. Maltby was one of the best known men in town, being a son of the late George W. Maltby, one of New Haven's oldest citizens. Mr. Maltby was a straight lineal descendant of Rev. John Davenport, the founder of New Haven, and of Abraham Pierson*, the first President of Yale College. From New Haven's earliest days the family show an un- broken residence in the city."

*Note. This is an error. The Rev. Abraham Pierson (1), had a son, Rev. Abraham Pierson (2), who was the first Pres. of Yale Col- lege; he was brother of Abigail (2) Pierson who married John Daven- port (2), and she was the ancestress of George Williams Maltby. Also, it is not strictly true that the family had "unbroken residence" in New Haven, as there was a period of time when the family resided in Northford.

My uncle Charles was a very handsome man. His hair was red, as was his mustache. He dressed immaculately and was popular with both men and women.

VII.2054. Henry Tyler, b. ---- (Sam.M.Tyler 6, Jacob M.Tyler 5, Abi- gail 4, Sam.3, Sam.2, Wm.1). Mar. Sarah ----. Res. New Haven, Ct. His wife was a widow with one son. Both were middle aged at marriage. She survived him. "She was a lovely woman and took devoted care of Celestina who lived into the nineties (age).

She lived with her son by her (1st) husband in Collinsville, Ct., where Celestina died--the three living together near New Hartford and Winsted, Ct. Celestina's sister, Mrs. Kellogg, was mother of Alfred and Cyrus K. Kellogg, of No. 1 Elm Street, New Haven, Guns and fish- ing tackle." (Note. This was their shop. I can recall seeing it first before I was five years old.) (I think the front of the store was on State Street, corner of Elm. It was the largest and best sporting goods shop in New Haven for many years. D.M.V.)

VII.2063. Deac. Charles Foote, b. Aug. 29, 1815 (Selina 6, John 5, Sam.4, Sam.3, Sam.2, Wm.1). Born at Northford, Ct., Mar. Apr. 24, 1843, Selina Bunnell, b. Oct. 26, 1826, dau. of Jacob and Polly (Rogers) Bunnell, of North Branford, Ct. His record of the Maltby descendants has been of the greatest assistance in compiling this history. The MS. was loaned by his widow to my father, George Ellsworth Maltby, of New Haven, in 1894, and, with her permission, was printed in the first part of "Maltby-Morehouse Gen." Deacon Foote d. Mar. 1, 1886, and his widow d. Feb. 24, 1911.

VIII.3429.  Charles Foote, b. June 11, 1846.
VIII.3430.  Caroline Selina Foote, b. Aug. 12, 1848; d. Sept. 7, 1851.
VIII.3431.  Dwight Maltby     "    b. Mar. 8, 1852.





