His maternal lines, all Dutch and French Huguenot descent, were given in the account of his parents.
I may say that what we called "the Maltby look" was strong in my grandfather, my father and Julius Maltby of Waterbury. Only twice have I seen this "Maltby look" elsewhere; viz. in Speaker George Malby, of New York Legislature, whose father came from Yorkshire, and a George W. Maltby who arrived in New Haven, and set up a blacksmith shop. He proved to have come from Aughton, Yorkshire.
My father took a great interest in his family and had employed a research worker in England to try to trace our English ancestors-- he died before the first results were received. I have heard him say "I would like to clasp every one of the Maltbys by the hand and call him cousin." His word was as good as his bond. Upright, honorable, charitable, a strong character. In looks he was dark--dark brown hair and eyes, deep-set; a deep dimple in his chin, and his mustache was of a lighter shade of brown.
We traveled considerably--a winter in California, another in Bermuda, two or three winters at Old Point Comfort, Virginia, another at Lakewood, New Jersey. Shorter trips were to Annapolis, Md., Wash- ington, D.C., Baltimore, Md., etc. It was while on a trip to Annapo- lis and Washington in Jan. 1895, that he died suddenly at the Arling- ton Hotel, Washington, from a blood clot forming in his heart--he was not quite 43 years old.
We resided at 190 Oak Place, corner of Howe Street, which is now, I am told, "a terrible locality."
Children of George Ellsworth Maltby and Georgia Lord Morehouse: VIII.3427. Maude Townshend Maltby, b. Sept. 9, 1873. VIII.3428. Dorothy Lord " b. May 16, 1877.
When they married, my father was twenty and mother, eighteen. Their lives were filled with love and devotion to each other and their children. Mother had a beautiful voice, of so wide a range she sang both soprano and contralto solos. She was a brilliant pianist and learned to play the organ at an early age. She used to relate how Harry Rowe Shelley begged her to teach him to play the organ. She had a wonderful mind and a photographic memory. She spoke, fluently, and with perfect accent, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian. Her knowledge of these languages made it possible for her to read Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish and Portugese. When well over sev- enty, she taught herself shorthand and the touch system of typing-- in a week she could write shorthand and type, slowly, without a glance at the typewriter.
Paternally she descended from the families of Algu, Barlow, Beers, Birdseye, Booth, Burton, Burr, Beeston, Camp, Clark, George (1), Clark, Coe, Cornish, Craigg, Billings, Fabrique, Fairchild, Fitch, Ford, Gregory, Groves, Gunn, Gibbons, Hawley, Hill, Joanes, Jones, Knowles, Lockwood, Liron, Mitchell, Morehouse, Odell, Olmstead, Peacock, Peck, Porter, Reeve, Sanford, Seeley, Sherman, Smith, Tillerton, Turney, Wakelee, Wilcoxson.
Maternally she descended from: Alling, Atwater, Baker, Bassett, Beecher, Bird, Bradley, Brown, (Francis (1) Brown, (William (2)) Bosworth, Buckland, Burgis, Clark, Cooper, Disborough, Edwards, Heath, Hodgetts, Jones, and Jones, Richard (1) Kirtland, Lee, Lines, Lord, Middlebrook, Mitchell, Munson, Nash, Parker, Prichard, Pringle, Ran- som, Smith, Thomas, Thompson, Todd, Tuttle, Vincent, Walker and Winston.