"1511 A.D. (Exchequer Inqusitions, Series II, f. 546 No. 3) "Henry Maltby was one of the Jurors in an Inqusition Post Mortom, after the death of Ryse (Resus) Whychets, late of Harpyswell, Esquire, about lands in Hemswell and the Manor of Hemswell. 5 Nov. 2 Henry VIII taken at Market Rason". Note. A note states: "Harpswell, Hemswell, Glentworth, at Junction of these three parishes". (By 1586 we find a Will of Richard Maltbie of Glentworth.) Market Rason is ten air miles east of Hemswell.
It is probable that the following was a brother of Henry of Hems- well; and possibly father of William Maltby of Ingham. Will 1547. "1501 A.D. (Chancery Inq. Post Mortem. 16 Henry VII. No. 48, Archt. Sec. Papers (Lincoln) Vol. 23). "Inqusition taken at West Rason Wednesday in the week of Pentecost, 1501, on John Thryngham (died Wed. next after the feast of St. Mark last past). Held the manors of Halton, Panton and Westberkeworth as fee of Lord Ross (Roos) of Hamlake by knights' service. John Maltby a Juror. (Another copyist makes this "Moltby" and adds "17 June 1502".) Note. Hamlake is in Yorkshire and is also called Helmsley. (See further on.) "Lincoln" by E. Mansel Sympson, p. 402" has the following" "Of the fee- farm, had been granted by the King to the Cathedral (Lincoln) in three portions, viz.
1. Lady de Roos, Beatrice, late wife of Sir Thomas de Roos, late lord of Hamlake.
2. Another part of the property was the Manor of Ingham, with lands and tenements in Coates, leased or demised to one Robert Burtyon who had been Mayor of Lincoln in 1445. These lands were part and parcel of the barony of Kyne". (Note. I find no Robert Burton, Mayor of Lincoln. Edward Burton was sheriff of Lincoln, 1450.) It must be mentioned here that William Maltby of Ingham, Will 1547, makes "Mr. Thomas Burton of Coates, Supervisor. These supervisors were often relatives. I think a pedigree in "Lincolnshire Magazine, Church of St. Edith. Coates by Stow, by Laurance Elvin and G. S. Gibbons, M.A." should be mentioned here.
Henry Hansard of South Kelsey, Lins. married Joan, daughter and coheiress of John Thruhit of Harpswell. She seems to have brought him lands in Coates and Denniworth.
Their daughter Grace Fistburne brought the estates to her husband, Thomas Burton, Junior, son of a Mayor of Lincoln. He died 1559, leaving a family, but not at Coates".
Returning to Helmsly or Hamlake, York. In 1525, William Maltby of N???????made his Will. This is William Maltby of the old Maltby pedigree published in the "Visitations of York", the inferance being that he held property there of Lord Ross of Hamlake, or Helmsley. We have one more referance to John Maltby as a Juror. (Chancery Inq. Post Mortem. 16 Henry VII. No. 48. Archt. Sec. Papers (Lincoln) Vol. 23.)