at Berkeley Divinity School.
Children of Prof. Earl G. and Marguerite (Vesper) Linsley: VIII.3332. Earl Gorton Linsley, b. May 1, 1910, Oakland, Calif. VIII.3333. Katharine Ray " b. Feb. 6, 1912, Somerville, Mass. VIII.3334. Edward Vesper " b. Apr. 9, 1914, Oakland, Cal. (Name changed to Robert Edward Linsley.)
We append a personal letter from "Cousin Hannah Linsley" of Northford.
"About a month after Rachel Keyes Linsley's death, her son, Earl G. Linsley, Prof. in Mills College, Calif., and his wife went to see his brother, Rev. Vivian Halsey Linsley, and his wife being frail with heart trouble they thought they might get help from a physician they knew, so they took her home with them, in eight days she died with pneumonia.
Earle had an illustrated lecture on Geography of Europe; one day an Army Officer appeared to listen, at the close, he drafted Earle to lecture to the soldiers, soon after orders came from Washington to deliver that lecture in every camp on the Pacific Coast.
Then came a respite and he went to Tucaipa, Calif., and moved his sick father to Los Angeles; had x-ray and then to hospital, and remained with him until he returned to the dwelling house. Then he had to leave to go to France on the Educational Commission. Just at this time his mother-in-law was sick; her house took fire and burned and she never knew it, and died soon. Poor Marguerite to lose her mother, lose her beautiful big house, and her husband going half the world away.
Earle returned in time to see his parents and went back to Mills College. Redlands University gave Earle notice they wanted him soon as their new buildings should be finished (His specialty Geology and Astronomy.) Two other places tried to get him but Mills said 'We cannot do without Professor Linsley,' so he remained at Mills."
VII.1968. Paul Judson Linsley, b. June 19, 1882, Wetmore, Colo. (Harvey Linsley 6, John S. Linsley 5, Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1).
He was born on the old ranch. Received his elementary education in New Hartford, Ct.; South Windsor and Suffield. Attended Suffield Academy for a time. For two years was employed in the printing es- tablishment of Smith and Linsley, Hartford. In 1902, with his parents, went to Calif. and helped his father on a ranch near Pomona. Took a course in Nursing at Los Angeles, grad. in 1910, at the head of a class of thirty. During his course and afterwards, he was employed in hospital service for the Los Angeles Aqueduct Co., in several county and state institutions, besides some private practice.
1910 enrolled in Univ. of Redlands, continuing as a student--with some interruptions--until 1914. Here he met a fellow student, Alice Williams, and mar. her Sept. 9, 1914, at Redlands. In 1915-1918 the Linsleys lived in Tucaipa, Cal., here they had an apple ranch.
At the time of World War I, and after, he worked as a shipbuild- er, living at Long Beach. 1921, they purchased a home in Whittier. He worked in avocado culture in the nursery industry for about 15 years. For the past ten years he has been in the employ of the Metro- politan Water District in various camps along the aqueduct. During all these years he was a student both of books and nature. The desert especially appealed to his imagination. He has written a considerable