Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

VII.1966. Edna Eunice Linsley, b. Oct. 26, 1870, Wetmore, Col. (Harvey Linsley 6, John S. Linsley 5, Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Grad. Conn. Lit. Inst., Suffield, Ct., then to college and in 1904 to California, then to Japan, where she married, Sept. 23, 1908, James Fullerton Gressitt, of Baltimore, Md. She d. Mar. 1, 1943, Oakland, California.

The Linsley Gen. published a long memorial to her, written by Rev. G. W. Johnson, pastor of the Tenth Ave. Church, to which she be- longed; also a poem by her--"The Cup of Pain."

She spent two years in Northfield at the Moody Northfield School. Grad. Mount Holyoke Coll., and University of California. Studied at Newton Theological Seminary and had Master of Arts degree from the Berkely Baptist Divinity School. For some time she was instructor at the old California Baptist College. She was appointed Missionary to Japan, 1907. She mar. Mr. Gressitt in Tokyo. Then followed 35 years of faithful service, broken by an enforced furlough in 1927, lasting two years, during which time she was in residence at the Chabot Ob- servatory, Oakland, one year of which she spent in bed. Again in 1941, she was sent home, leaving Dr. Gressitt in Japan, and her son, Linsley, interned at Canton, China; her daughter Felicia was in New York--lonely years of much suffering. She had published thirty poems. Dr. Gressitt died Nov. 5, 1945.

VIII.3329.  Estelle Florence Gressitt, b. July 11, 1909;
                                       d. Jan. 31, 1946, Oakland, Cal.
VIII.3330.  Judson Linsley       "     b. June 16, 1914.
VIII.3331.  Felicia Ray          "     b. Oct. 28, 1916.

Judson Gressitt was teaching in China when war broke out; when he got out of China, he entered the U.S. Navy, got on the staff and was on one of the first ships to land in Japan. He reached his father in Tokyo, Sept. 22, 1945. He had been among friends and free, but was not too well.

VII.1967. Prof. Earl Garfield Linsley, b. June 19, 1882, Wetmore, Col. (Harvey Linsley 6, John S. Linsley 5, Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Grad. Conn. Lit. Inst. 1899; A.B. Colgate Univ. 1904; M.S. Univ. of Calif. 1908. Student Harvard Univ. 1911-12; Instr. Calif. College, 1904-08; geography Calif. 1908-11; Asst. at Harvard, 1911-12; prof. geog. and geol. Mills College, 1912-20; prof. astronomy, 1920-47; Emeritus Professor 1947; Director Chabot Observatory, Oakland Public Schools, 1922-47. He received many honors from Canada, England, Bel- gium and France, as well as the States.

During the disastrous earthquake and fire he and his sister Edna, were at Berkeley and he was on duty as special police officer "and saw the worst."

He mar. Sept. 19, 1907, Marguerite Gorton Vesper, at Oakland; she b. in San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 28, 1883, dau. of Oliver Morse and Kate (Gorton) Vesper. This line of ancestors came from Sweden. (See (Gorton Genealogy.)

During World War I, Earle was Y.M.C.A. Educ. Secy., with the U.S. Army at Camp Fremont, Cal., 1917-1918, and with the A.E.F. Educ. Corps at U. of Beaunne, France, 1918-19. Ordained Chaplain (Baptist) Sept. 1918. Fellow A.A.A.S. Royal Astronomical Soc., and Am. Meterol. Soc. Delta Upsilon; Phi Gamma Mu. On May 6, 1947, given degree L.L.D.





