Major Linsley was of the 9th generation, descended from John 1, John 2, John 3, Lieut. Joseph 4, Ensign Dan.5, James 6, John Stephen 7, Rev. Harvey 8.
At his funeral Military honors were accorded by members of Co. L, 169th Infantry Comm., National Guard. Present were former associates of Reliance Council, Royal Arcanum, headed by Grand Regent James Mc Ginnis of Stamford and Grand Treasurer Cornelius McGinnis, also of Stamford. Other delegations included those from Bristol Baptist Church, Bristol Boy Scout Council, Old Timers of the Boy Scouts, Federal Sav- ings and Loan Ass. of the State, and the G. A. Hadsell Camp, United Spanish War Veterans. Also representatives of the Hartford, Waterbury and Bristol offices of the Conn. Light and Power Company.Members of the National Guard who served as a firing squad were S/Sgt. Rudolph A. Miller, T/Sgt. Maurice H. Pellegrini, T/Sgt. Vin- cenzo Ravita, T/Sgt. Ernest A. St.Laurent, Sgt. Paul A. Albert, S/Sgt. William J. LaCours, Sgt. Roland N. Willequer, and Pte. Joseph F. Brady. Taps were sounded by Cpl. John R. Bachman. The flag which draped the casket was presented to Mrs. Linsley by Sgt's. Miller and Pellegrini.Bearers were Augustus G. Funk, director of the Bristol Federal Savings and Loan Ass., Henry R. Foster, member of the Board of Deacons of the Bristol Baptist Church, Julius W. Clark of G.A. Hadsell Camp, U.S.W. Veterans; Alden C. Purrington, Bristol Council Boy Scouts; Walter Porch, Reliance Council Royal Arcanum; and Clarence A. Goran- son of the Hartford office of the Conn. Light and Power Company. (Major Linsley was a member of the Maltby Association, and furnished records.)VII.1964. Rev. Vivian Halsey Linsley, b. Feb. 8, 1878, Wetmore, Colo. (Harvey Linsley 6, John S. Linsley 5, Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). He was born on the old Hardscrabble Ranch; went with the family to Canon City, Saguache, Las Animas, then to Conn. He had poor health most of his life, finally going to California in 1902; his health im- proved and he held pastorates at Buckhorn and Los Angeles.
We quote: "Linsley - Green.""A home wedding took place Wednesday noon, when Miss Jennie Pearl Green was united in marriage to Rev. V. Halsey Linsley at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Green, at No. 1016 East Twenty- third Street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Harvey Linsley of Pomona, father of the bridegroom, in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends. After the luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Linsley de- parted on a short wedding trip. After Aug. 1, they will be at home at Buckhorn, Cal., where Mr. Linsley is pastor of the Baptist Church."
On Feb. 23, 1924, he mar. (2) Bessie Edmona Samuels. He d. Feb. 12, 1928, and with his first wife, is buried in Inglewood Cemetery, beside Harvey Linsley and his wife Rachel. His funeral, held from his home, was conducted by some six pastors of his acquaintance, led by Dr. Victor Henderson of the First Baptist Church, who spoke very highly of him, as a friend and a Christian worker.
Children: (by 1st wife) VIII.3326. Ardell Linsley, b. Sept. 22, 1906. VIII.3327. Mary Keith " b. May 3, 1911. (By 2nd wife) VIII.3328. Frances Elizabeth Linsley, b. Mar. 29, 1925.The Linsley Gen., pp. 128-129, publishes a poem by Vivian Halsey Linsley--"The Bethlehem Shepherds."