Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

Divinity School, 1922-25; Member of Phi Beta Kappa, Republican, Mason.

VIII.3300.  Celeste Osgood Phelps, b. Denver, Colo.; Mar. 15, 1891;
               mar. Prof. Harold Morse.
VIII.3301.  Dryden Linsley Phelps, b. at Fountain, Colo., Oct. 20,
               1892.  Mar. Margaret Hallerbeck.
 (Ref. Linsley Gen., p.123, by Major Ray Keyes Linsley.)

VII.1945. Prof. William Lyon Phelps, b. Jan. 2, 1865, New Haven, (Sophia E.Linsley 6, James H.Linsley 5, Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). A.B. Yale, 1887; PhD. 1891; A.M. Harvard, 1891; Litt D., Brown, 1921; Colgate, 1921; MX. Master, 1921; U. of M. 1914 (Think this should be 1924); L.H.D., N.Y.V. 1927; L.L.D. Kalamazoo Col., 1927. Instructor English Lit., 1892-6; Asst. Prof. English Language and Lit. 1896-1901; Lampson Prof. 1902-1943 at Yale. Editor, Author of many books and Contributor to periodicals on literary topics, and public lecturer on literature. Fellow Amer. Acad. Arts and Sciences; Amer. Geog. Soc., Memb. Not. Inst. Arts and Letters; Ends of the Earth Club, Authors Club, London, Engl; Anglo-Russian Lit. Soc., Pres. New Haven Symphony Orchestra; Public Orator of Yale University. Baptist.

Mar. Annabel Hubbard of Huron City, Mich. Res. Whitney Ave., New Haven. Died Aug. 21, 1943. No children. (Ref. Linsley Genealogy).

A book could be written about "Billy" Phelps--as he was uni- versally known at Yale. Voted again and again--"the most popular professor at Yale," by graduting classes. He was equally popular with the ladies. His sayings and anecdotes were retold by someone almost daily. Before me is a very fine portrait of Professor Phelps:

"To Dorothy, from her cousin Wm. Lyon Phelps." Here, in far-away Vancouver, my sister and I would "tune-in" to a Sunday night broadcast to hear Billy Phelps on his weekly programme-- so many times ending: "but I must stop to catch my train up to New Haven," bringing back memories and nostalgia. The world lost a brilliant mind with his death.

VII.1947. Charles Eugene Cooper, b. May 20, 1845 (Dan.S.Cooper 6, Emily Linsley 5, Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Mary Ann McNeil of New York City. He d. 1916.

VIII.3302.  Mary Ellen Cooper, d. prior to 1910.
VIII.3303.  Henry J.      "    m. Emma Keating of New York City.
VIII.3304.  Madge         "    d. prior to 1910.

VII.1948. Marian Gertrude Cooper, b. June 13, 1846 (Dan.Cooper 6, Emily Linsley 5, Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Oct. 31, 1877, John Osborn of Litchfield, Ct. She died 1920.

VII.1950. Frederick Riley Cooper, b. Dec. 3, 1853 (Dan.Cooper 6, Emily Linsley 5, Sarah 4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Nov. 15, 1876, Frances McCheane.





