VII.1871. Julius Maltby, b. Jan. 20, 1857 (Douglas F.6, Julius 5, Benj.4, Benj.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. May 10, 1881, Harriet Jewett Fowler, dau. of Benjamin Maltby Fowler. He was a member of the Maltby Association. Res. Waterbury, Conn. He bore a striking resem- blance to the compiler's father, George Ellsworth Maltby, of New Haven, and they were frequently mistaken by friends. He d. Wed., April 14, 1926. We publish the following from a newspaper of that date.
"An Appreciation."
"Julius Maltby, a native and resident of Waterbury--measured by the degree of his affections and sympathies and friends a citizen of the world--died suddenly in this city Monday evening in St. Raph- ael's Hospital, while, as it was believed, he was convalescing from a long and trying illness. Few men in our intimate acquaintance filled so large a place in the confidence and love of those whose good fortune it was to know him in both his business and social life. A more genuinely modest, unselfish man never lived--none less asser- tive, yet possessed of the rare virtues of citizenship and fellowship to an extent that made men, women and children turn to him instinc- tively for companionship and friendly counsel. His very presence was a benediction, which fell with a *gentle graciousness upon those with whom he was thrown in contact. Deeply conscious of the beauties of nature and the goodness of God he radiated a spirit of cheerful- ness and helpfulness which made his friends cling to him with hooks of steel--to love him as it is given to few--even those of the rich- est natures--to love.
He was a manufacturer with the soul of a poet. There was much of Edward C. Stedman in his love of the beautiful, of John Burroughs, and Luther Burbank in the fascination they felt for the woods, the trees and flowers. He was woodsy in his diversions. Outdoor life with its demands upon his pioneer tastes fascinated him. He could care for himself there. He delighted to match his wits against the resisting forces which sprang up to meet and defeat him from the very soil he so gently trod. In a large sense he was a born naturalist. He was a successful industrialist both as a producer and employer. The devotion which he drew from his social circles he drew in like meas- ure from his shopmates and business competitors.
Everywhere, under all conditions, he let his light so shine that the road through life was at all times seen in its straight and level beauty. There were no sharp curves in it with their warning signals to unsuspecting travelers. Where he was his presence begot confi- dence. A finely rounded nature with its power for a life of great usefulness has been withdrawn, leaving to those of us who survive the difficult task to preserve as best we may the inherent virtues which made his such an exquisite personality."
*Although the compiler was but fifteen when she stood with her father talking to Mr. Julius Maltby, much of what this "appreciation" claims was truly in his personality--gentle, kindly, a gentleman in the best sense of the word--restful--he made just this type of im- pression on my youthful mind--so strong was it, it is as fresh in memory now as on that long-ago evening. I never met him again.
The compiler owns a snap-shot of Julius Maltby, taken at Jamaica, West Indies. He is standing before a large palm tree, dressed in tropical white and holding his straw hat in his hand. At this time,