band. Res. Bronxville, New York.
Child of Arthur Edmund and Adaline (Cummings) Maltby: VIII.3088. Margaret Marion Maltby, b. Nov. 26, 1897, Cleveland, O.
VII.1747. Ralph Benjamin Maltby, b. Apr. 19, 1877 (Benj.6, Nath.H.5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. June 29, 1910, Adeline Cummings, widow of his brother Arthur Edmund. He was a member of the Maltby Association. Res. Bronxville, N.Y., with office in New York City.
Child: VIII.3089. Jeanne Maltby, b. Aug. 25, 1911. (New York "Sun", Feb. 22, 1949) "No Pied Piper He.
Mayor Ralph B. Maltby of Bronxville, N.Y., refused yesterday to be disturbed by complaints that his neat, prosperous community was overrun with rats. Rats, he said, appear at this time every year and confine their roamings mainly to property adjacent to the New York Central Railroad tracks. "Nothing out of the ordinary," the Mayor said."
VII.1749. Lieut. Colonel Frank Bierce Maltby, b. July 31, 1861, Bris- tol, O. (Warren 6, Nath.H.5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Feb. 4, 1885, Margaret Ellen McNavy, at Champaign, Ill. She b. Sept. 25, 1861. Mar. (2) Feb. 1, 1908, Josephine Hedges of New York City. He was a prominent Civil Engineer with a brilliant record. Following the death of the first president of the Maltby Association, Colonel Maltby accepted this position. Res. 59 Cherrydale, Germantown Pike, Morristown, Pa., R.D. 2. The compiler possesses a large and very fine photograph of Col. Maltby in uniform.
Children: VIII.3090. Ruth McNavy Maltby, b. Dec. 2, 1885, Champaign, Ill. VIII.3091. Marion Elizabeth " b. Oct. 25, 1887, Cherokee, Iowa.
Letter from Frank Bierce Maltby. Buzzard's Bay, Mass., Oct. 31, 1914. ".....I have no time just now as I am working night and day attempting to finish the Cape Cod canal and may have to go to Mexico in December.....
I had the pleasure of driving my car from New York to New London last fall and stopped at Branford and looked up the graves of our ancestors there, also found an old man who remembered the old Maltby homestead which he said formerly stood very near to where the new library now stands."
Letter. Mch. 25, 1915. 45 Wall Street, New York, % Walston and Brown.
"I finished my work in Cape Cod last week and came to New York expecting to have a vacation but it only lasted 24 hours, and I am busy again. I have today just returned from a trip to Ottawa and Montreal."
Letter June 28, 1915. 611 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.
"I was in New York for about 6 weeks on a vacation and then went to Pittsburg for a few weeks. I am now back in Philadelphia, I hope permanently, and am with the same firm I was with when I was living in Philadelphia before."