marvelous description of a famous beach in Japan, which she had the good fortune to see both at sunset and by moonlight. She was enroute to New York, after a round-the-world trip. Truly a delightful con- versationalist.
The following is taken from "Americans of Science," p.449, by J. McKeen Cattell, Dean R. Brimhall. 3rd Edit. Garrison, N.Y. The Science Press, 1921.
"Dr. Margaret E(liza) Maltby. Address: Barnard College, New York, N.Y. X Physics, Physical chemistry; born in Bristolville, Ohio, Dec. 10, 1860; A.B. Oberlin, 1882; A.M., 1891; B.S. Mass. Inst. Tech., S.B., 1891, fellow, 1893-95; Ph.D. Gottingen University, 1895; Ass. Col. Alumnae fellow, 1895-96; clark, 1899-1900.
Instructor Physics, Wellesley, 1889-1893; in charge of depart- ment of physics, 1896; instructor physics and math; Lake Erie, 1897- 98; assistant to pres. Physics Tech. Reichsanstalt, Charlottenburg (near Berlin, Germany) 1898; instructor Chemistry, Barnard, Columbia, 1900-3; adj. prof. physics, 1903-10; Assoc. prof. 1910.
A.A. Physical Soc., Electricity measurement of high electro- lytic resistances: measurements of periods of rapid electrical os- cillations; conductivity of very dilute solutions of certain salts, radioactivity.
(The X indicates that she is one of a thousand persons in the U.S. whose work in her line is supposed to be the most important. A.A. means she is either a fellow or a member of the American Assoc- iation for the Advancement of Science. The subjects at the end are her chief subjects of research.")
(A later edition of American Men of Science gave "Sound" also as one of her specialties. It should be mentioned that when "Ameri- can Men of Science," 1st. edition, chose to star the names of some members as being the choice of others in their science group, Miss Maltby was elected as one among the "First Thousand Scientists in the entire list." Miss Maltby retired after being Assoc. Prof. of physics at Barnard College, Columbia University 1910-1931. A later edition of American Men of Science records her death in 1944).
"Cousin Margaret" I found modest and unassuming. Later I induced her to give me further data concerning her work, from which material I quote:
"Held the following fellowships. Foreign scholarship (or Fellowship) from Mass. Institute of Technol- ogy, two years while in Gottingen, Germany, 1893-1895. The foreign fellowship of The Association of Collegiate Alumni, 1895-1896. Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
"I was private research assistant to the President F. Kohlrausch of the Physik Tech. Reichsanstalt, 1898-99. (National Physical Labor- atory of Germany.)
"I studied at Clark University with Prof. Webster in 1899-1900. I have taught 4 1/2 years at Wellesley College, one year at Lake Erie College, 8 years at Barnard.
I am Adjunct Professor in charge of the Department of Physics of Barnard College, Columbia University which post I have held since the summer of 1903." (Letter from Margaret E. Maltby, 1908). It was in early August, 1931, I had the pleasure of dining with "Cousin Margaret."