VII.1733. Mary Alice Maltbie, b. Oct. 7, 1854 (Chas.B.6, Elon 5, Benj. 4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. June 30, 1885, Willard L. Brown, of Falls Village, Conn. Res. Toledo, Ohio.
Children: VIII.3076. Pauline Brown, b. Mar. 27, 1886, Falls Village. VIII.3077. Infant son " b. 1888, Buffalo, N.Y. VIII.3078. Eugene Maltbie Brown, b. Aug. 2, 1890, Buffalo, N.Y. VIII.3079. Infant son " d. 1892. VIII.3080. Willard " b. Feb. 16, 1894, Toledo, Ohio. VIII.3091. Maltbie Sherwood " b. July 3, 1896, " " VIII.3092. Elizabeth " b. Mar. 31, 1900 " "
VII.1735. Carrie Belle Maltbie, b. Jan. 27, 1867 (Chas.B.6, Elon 5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. Oct. 19, 1905, William R. Hubbell, of Falls Village, Conn. No Children. She was a member of the Maltbie Association.
VII.1738. Betsey Patchen Maltby, b. Jan. 18, 1846 (Edmund 6, Nath.H.5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Mar. July 15, 1866, Dr. Martin S. May- hew, M.D., b. Mar. 31, 1837. Res. Cortland, Trumbull Co., Ohio. Dr. Mayhew died in the spring of 1923. Mrs. Mayhew was a member of the Maltby Association.
Child: VIII.3083. Marion Maltby Mayhew, b. July 30, 1877, Johnston, O.; d. Feb. 7, 1901, Cortland. Bur. Bristol Cemetery.
VII.1739. Martha Jane Maltby, b. Jan. 18, 1850 (Edmund 6, Nath.H.5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). Member Maltby Association. She fur- nished voluminous records of the Ohio Maltbys descended from Benjamin (4) Maltby. She taught school for many years at Columbus, Ohio. "Cousin Martha" and the compiler spent many happy days one summer at Pine Orchard on Long Island Sound, not far from Branford. With my mother and sister we drove to the site of the old homestead of Dan- iel (3) Maltby, on the Stoney Creek road--also a later home of Daniel- neglected. Here Martha found an old "foot-warmer"--used by our for- bears to take to "meeting" and the compiler found a candle mold. Another day was spent at Branford, visiting the old Maltby graves-- that of William (1) being the eldest Maltby stone, 1710. Also to the Court House where we enjoyed an afternoon examining the original records, then on to the Blackstone Library. Miss Maltby never married.
VII.1740. Margaret Eliza Maltby, b. Dec. 10, 1860 (Edmund 6, Nath.H.5, Benj.4, Dan.3, Dan.2, Wm.1). She died in 1944. It was the good fortune of the compiler to meet personally "Cousin Margaret." On her way home from Japan her ship docked at Vancouver. She had written to ask that I have dinner with her. Arriving at the Hotel Vancouver, we found that as we were not in evening dress, dinner in the dining room would not be possible. However, at this date, the delightful Spanish Grill was in existence. Here, over a delicious dinner, we had a wonderful talk on many subjects. I recall, especially, her