Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

Obituary.    (Mrs. John W. Maltby)

"Sunday, July 9, 1931, At the home of her son, Charles F. Malt- by, occurred the death of Mrs. Catherine Maltby, aged 85 years. She was born in Ulster Co., but had resided here for 50 years. Her maiden name was Catherine Depew, and her husband, John W. Maltby died 15 years ago. After his death she went to reside with his son, who is the nearest surviving relative.

She leaves 6 grandchildren.
Charles Mertice (9)
Virginia Maltby (9) of this city.
Mrs. Mary Green (9) of Auburn.
John Tennant (9) Syracuse.
Harry Tennant (9)    "
From the foregoing it appears there was one son and two daughters.
Children of John W. and Catherine (Depew) Maltby:
VIII.2788.  Charles F. Maltby
VIII.2789.  Daughter      "
VIII.2790.     "          "    mar. a Tennant of Syracuse, N.Y.
VIII.2791.  This number has been omitted in this manuscript.

Joel Maltby, early settler of Kansas. State Representative, Republican, 74th District, Salina, 1869.

The History of Kansas, Volume I, page 708, compiled by A. T. Andreas, published 1883, gives: "Maltby, Joel. Saline Co., Farmer, Sec. 19, Walnut Twp., P.O. Salina. Was born in Woodbury, Conn., July 14, 1814; when quite young, was taken by his parents to Sullivan Co., N.Y., where he was reared and educated."

The U.S. Census for 1880 gives Joel Maltby as a resident of Saline Co., Kansas, a white male, age 65, born in Connecticut, who stated that his father and his mother were born in Connecticut.

The U.S. Census for the state of Indiana for the year 1850, lists in Vanderburg Co., Scott Twp., 4th of October, 1850, "Joel Molby, 35, male, farmer, b. in Connecticut; Sarah, 31, female, b. in Ireland; John, 6, male, b. in Indiana; Herman, 4, male, b. in Indiana; Amos, 2, male, b. in Indiana; William, 6/12, male, b. in Indiana.

The History of Kansas, above cited, states that Joel came with his family at an early date to Riley County, Kansas, and after a few years removed his family to Saline County, Kansas.

Elliott's History of Evansville and Vanderburg Co., Indiana, p. 168, states; "The first school in Scott Twp. was taught by David B. Craddock in 1835 on the Staser farm. The other early teachers, as far as can be learned, were---then follows a list of eleven names. The sixth name in the list was Joel Mulby. The name Wm. Atchinson is included in a list called 'Pioneer Teachers of the Township.'" Joel's wife was Sarah Achison before her marriage.





