Abstract of the Will of William Maltby, Esq. of Branford, Connecticut. Dated "28th August, 1710."
"First, I give unto my oldest son, John Maltby, all that house and land which I bought for him at Saybrook being all the lands I have there with appurtenances thereof, of which said house and land my said son now stands seized and possessed. Also to said son John Maltby my allotment of land which I bought of Capt. Merriman and Thomas Hall, about one hundred acres lying between the bounds of Wallingford and Middletown, and an equal share with the rest of my children in my commons and undivided lands within the town of Branford to be to him his heirs and assignes forever together with the several particulars of personal estate which are mentioned particularly in my book of accounts.
I give and bequeath unto my Grandson, William Maltby, son and heir of my son, William Maltby, deceased, the sum due to me on ballance of accounts between me and my son, William Maltby, deceased, as it stands in my account book provided by daughter in law, Elizabeth Maltby, nor my said Grandchild gives any trouble to my Executors or to any other children or heirs of mine respecting accounts depending between me and my said son, Wm. Malby, deceased. . .I give and confirm unto my said Grandson, William Malby, sixty four acres of land at that place called Tibbs hill in the third division in Branford..with the addition north ward adjoining those unto which said parcel of land with appurtenances thereof I give unto him my said Grandson, his heirs and assigns forever.
I give unto him, a horse, colt and mare colt of two years old.
I give and bequeath unto my loving son, Daniel Maltby all that house and land that he now stands in possession of in the town of Branford, the home lot being in quantity ten acres be more or less, also all my land at Mullimers Neck and my division there also. I further give my said son, Daniel all my land on brushy plains (this may be "Bushy") containing thirteen acres be it more or less, all which land and appurtenances my Will is shall be and remain to him his heirs and assignes forever.
I give and bequeath unto my loving son Samuel Maltby by orchard that lieth eastward of my now dwelling house in Branford from the street to the salt meadow to be to him, his heirs and assigns forever.
I give and bequeath unto my loving son, Jonathon Maltby, my mansion house I now dwell in within the precinct of Branford with the home lot of land thereto adjoining and belonging together with all housing, buildings, edifices and appurtenances thereunto belonging the before mentioned given to my son Samuel on the eastward side of it only excepted to be and belong to him his heirs and assigns forever.
I give and bequeath all my other lands arrable pasture or meadows not heretofore disposed of by me or devised in this my last will and testament within the precinct of Branford or elsewhere as the same shall appear on record to be equally divided to and between my sons Samuel and Jonathon Maltby and to be and belong to them and their, or each of their heirs and assigns forever.
I give unto my daughter, Jane Parker, the bed, bedstead, hangings and furniture thereof in my hall which were her mothers'.
I give and bequeath to my aforesaid sons, John Maltby and Daniel Maltby, the remainder of my fourth division lot beyond Tibbs Hill, part of it being sold to Capt. Fowler, to be equally divided between them.
Item. My will is that my right of commonage and undivided land within the town of Branford be equally divided to and among all my children.