Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

where he continued the practice of law. In Cleveland's second ad- ministration he was appointed by President Cleveland governor of the Territory of New Mexico. He served his term with credit to himself and the satisfaction of the people; at this time (1915) he was prom- inent in the social and business life of the state of New Mexico.

Major William Taylor, grandfather of William Taylor Thornton, was b. in Virginia in 1756, married Elizabeth Curtis who died at Kent, 1846. He d. 1829. He was a major in Rev. War and served with Washington eight years. Seven brothers were also in the Rev. Army. In 1781 the Major received 5,353 1/3 acres of land from the govern- ment for his services. In 1800, 389 2/3 acres; for seven years serv- ice, and in 1808, he received 889 2/3 acres for eight years service.

Ex-governor Thornton died in 1916. No children. His widow, when not traveling, resided at Santa Fe, New Mexico. She d. Mch. 14, 1930, at the home of her nephew.

(Santa Fe New Mexican, Mar. 15, 1930)
             Funeral of Late
             Mrs. Thornton to
             Be Here Monday.
"Widow of Noted Governor of New Mexico Was Gracious Hostess in
   Old Palace."

"Mrs. Helen Maltby Thornton whose death at the age of 84 at the home of her nephew William Thornton Maltby, at Tulsa, Oklahoma, occurred yesterday, was the widow of the late Gov. William T. Thorn- ton, and came to Santa Fe more than 50 years ago. She was one of the coterie of women who made the last two decades of the 19th cen- tury such a brilliant one in the official social circles of New Mex- ico's capital. In those days the historic Palace on the Plaza was the residence of the governors and in it Mrs. Thornton presided graciously and with dignity. At the conclusion of his term as exec- utive of the territory, Governor and Mrs. Thornton occupied the spacious and rambling adobe structure which stood on the site of La Ponda and the parochial school on upper San Francisco street. This residence with its lovely patio was noted for its hospitality and many social events which took place within its portals.

              Thick of Events.

Mrs. Thornton was in the thick of political events in some of the most turbulent years of New Mexico's annals. Mr. Thornton came to Santa Fe in 1877, a native of Missouri, a graduate of the Uni- versity of Kentucky, Confederate veteran, and opened a law office. He associated himself in law with late U.S. Senator Thomas B. Catron, who assumed leadership on the Republican side as Thornton did of the Democrats; Thornton served in the 25th legislative assembly. In 1891 he was elected the first mayor of Santa Fe under the city charter, being the nominee of both major parties. In 1893 under the second administration of Grover Cleveland, he was appointed Governor with instructions to clean up the territory politically. The effort to do this brought turbulent days, threats of assignation and of revenge.

Acquiring control of the Santa Fe New Mexican, the governor be- came the center of a bitter newspaper feud. He was a vigorous and fearless executive.

Upon retirement from the gubernatorial chair, Thornton went into the cattle and mining business, spending much of this time in Mexico.





