May 9, 1706. At General Assembly, Hartford. Mr. William Malbie (and others) are by this Assembly appointed to be Justices of the Peace and Quorum in the Countie of New Haven.
(Branford Rec., Vol. II, p. 271)
Mar. 27, 1706. Agreement between Wm. Maltbie, Nathaniel Johnson, Nathaniel Payne and Daniel Payne for division of land.
Aug. 23, 1706. East Haven Reg., p. 30. Branford. Wm. Malbie, Clerk.
(Derby, Conn. Rec., p. 432)
May 12, 1707. Wm. Maltbie, Jus. Pece. Also-June 1, 1707. Wm. Malbie and Joseph Johnson, Witnesses; and
1709. "Wm. Maltbie, Justice of Pece."
(Branford Re., Vol. II)
(p. 333) April 2, 1708. Land laid out for Wm. Malbie (among others) the fifth allotment, fourth division.
(p. 337) Jan. 10, 1709-10. Agreement to draw for lots in 5th allotment, 4th division. Wm. Malbie, Nathaniel Johnson, Samuel Payne.
(Vol. III)
(p. 9) Mar. 16, 1709-10. At a meeting of the Proprietors of the town Mr. Wm. Malbie and Mr. Nathaniel Johnson were voted leave to take ten acres of land for the Payne children.
(p. 8) No date. Granted to Mr. Wm. Maltbie 2 acres of land which had failed to be entered and recorded previously.
1709 (from an old note-book). "Wm. Maltbe, 1709
Council at New London." Sept. 1, 1710. Died. William Maltbei, Esq.
The tombstones of William Maltby, at Branford, and that of his wife, Abigail, which is beside him, read:--- "Here Lieth The "Here Lieth The
Body of William Body of Mrs. Abigail Maltbei, Esqr Who Maltbie Wife of Died Septr ye 1 William Maltbie, A. D. 1710 Esqrs, Died Oct. Aged 65 years." ye 24 - 1710 Aged 51 Years."
(Photographs possessed by the compiler of this book).
Spellings of the name in early records include: Malbey, Malbie, Malby, Malbye, Mallbier, Maltbe, Maltbei, Maltbey, Maltbye, Maltby, Maltbie, Malthie, Malbury, Maulby, Maultbey, Mawbley.
The following is an abbreviated table of some of the more important events in the life of William Maltby.
1645. Born.