VI.1104. Edward Sherman Rowland, b. 1812 (Sarah 5, Jthon.4, Jthon.3, Jthon.2, Wm.1).
Children: VII.2275. Josephine E. Rowland VII.2276. Fannie " VII.2277. William " VII.2278. Edward " VII.2279. Mary " VII.2280. Florence "
Note. It seems probable that Dr. Henry C. Rowland, Yale, Author, etc., of New York City, descends from Maltby. In a short story (Scrib- ners, I think), his heroine was the Hon. Helen Maltby, "the daughter of a hundred Earls." In his second letter (now lost) he recalled that as a youth, an aunt, in Fairfield, Ct., I think, used to talk about the Maltbys. We append his first letter to the compiler.
The Yale Club 30 West 44th Street New York CityMy dear Miss Maltby,
Permit me to thank you for the kind things which you say of my work in your letter of February the twenty eighth.
I am sorry that I can not be of service to you in furnishing information regarding the Maltby family. Let me tell you something odd regarding the whole affair.
"The Custom of the Captain" was one of the first stories which I ever wrote: the characters were purely fictitious, also the names, so far as their application was concerned.
I have never had the pleasure of an acquaintance with anyone bearing the name of Maltby; why I chose it I do not know.
This winter I went to Hampton, begining to write an ambitious book. The hero is an Englishman, named Giles Maltby, the son of a Sir Henry Maltby of Fenwick Towers, Kent.
Having finished the book I brought it north to place it with my publisher. In the collection of the names I had no recollection of ever having used it before, and after leaving the manuscript I came up here to the Yale Club to get my mail, with which was your letter. Odd, is it not? One of the little problems in psychology with which one is sometimes confronted.
Permit me to say that my hero, Giles Maltby, is a very creditable person, as indeed are all of that name, whom I have pictured in my book.
I expect to sail for England the middle of May. I am to make the voyage in the Schooner Yacht "Endymion" belonging to Mr. George Lander, Jr., who expects to enter her in the race across the Atlantic for the Kaiser's Cup. While there I will make further inquiries re- garding the Maltbys.
Sincerely Yours, Henry C. Rowland. March the Sixth." (Note. Probably about 1905).Note. It was in a second letter--sometime later, Dr. Rowland wrote he recalled his aunt (at Fairfield, Ct., I believe) talking to him as a young man, of Maltby.
VI.1106. John Winn Maltbie, b. May 5, 1819 (Wm.5, Jthon.4, Jthon.3, Jthon.2, Wm.1). He was an M.D., practiced in Lawrenceville, Ga. He is buried at Old Lawrenceville cemetery.
Child: VII.2280A. Jennings Bryan Maltbie, b. Apr. 25, 1857, Georgia. Died Nov. 19, 1925. Bur. in cemetery near Buford and Lawrenceville, Ga.