(p. 55) Oct. 8, 1691. General Court at Hartford. Mr. Wm. Malt- by, for Branford.
(Baranford Rec., Vol. II)
(p.142) "The estate of George Page and the estate of Samuel Ward were laid out for Wm. Maltbie." (Note. In 1673, William Maltby "exchanges a gray horse with Samuel Ward"
(Branford); and "1681-2. The Town gave William Maltbye about 1/2
acre joining George Page.")
(p. 35) "1690. Mr. Wm. Maltby is confirmed Ensigne of Branford train band and is to be commissioned accordingly."
(p. 18) "April, 1690. This Court hase upon the desire of Bran- ford, chose Mr. Malbey and Leut. Stent to be commissioners for Branford, and they were sworn accordingly."
(p. 24) "May, 1690. These were made Comrs. for the year ensuing, for Branford, Stent and Mr. Maltby."
(p. 43) "May, 1691. This Court appoynted these for commissioners in the severall plantations, Mr. Wm. Maltby and Lnt. Eben. Stent for Branford."
(p. 92) "May, 1693. These were chosen Commissioners for the year ensuing, Mr. Wm. Maultbey and Lnt. Ebenezer Stent, for Branford."
"On Oct. 6, 1691. The list of estates for the colony were 321 persons, # 15,622,00s,00d. This Court appoynt Captn. Niccols, Mr. Maltby, Mr. Eliphalet Hill and Mr. John Chapman to be a committee to perfect the sayd lists that are imperfect and to return them to the Court."
"Aug. 7, 1693. Sameul, son of Mr. Wm. Maltby, b. at Branford." (Note. As Samuel was a son of Abigail Bishop, widow of John Tallmadge, we know Hannah (Hosmer) Willard must have been dead by 1692. I do not think her death or William's marriage to Abigail have ever been found).
(Pub. Rec. of Conn.)
(p.105) "Oct. 12, 1693. General Court at Hartford, Mr. Wm. Malt- by, for Branford."
(p.120) May 10, 1694. Court of Election at Hartford. Mr. Wm. Maltby, for Branford.
(p.121) May, 1694. These Commissioners were chosen for the year ensuing, Lnt. Eben. Stent and Mr. Wm. Maltbey, for Branford.
(p.149) Oct. 10, 1695. General Court at Hartford. Mr. Wm. Malt- by for Branford.
(p.158) May 14, 1696. General Court at Harford. Mr. Malbie for Branford.
(p.174) Oct. 8, 1696. General Court. Mr. William Malbie for Branford.
(p.197) May 13, 1697. Commissioners for Branford. Mr. Will Malbie, Capt. Eleazer Stent.
(p.221) General Assembley. William Malbie for Branford."
(p.235) Jan. 22, 1697-8. General Court. Mr. Will Malbury for Branford."
1697-8. Mar. 14. Elizabeth Maltby was married by her father to Abraham Hoadley.
(p.260) May. 1698. Justice appointed for the Countie of Newhaven. Mr. Will Malbie, of the Quorum.