Maltby Genealogy

American Lineage

It reads:--"William Maltby died March 13, 1860, aged 45 years, 7 mo's. and 19 days," which would make his birth date July 24, 1814. If William's body was later removed, it is not known where he was buried. His wife died in 1891, and is buried in the old Camillus cemetery.

Children of William and Mary Ann (Vosburgh) Maltby:
VII.2147.  Jacob Maltby, b. Apr. 22, 1839.
VII.2148.  James V.  "   b. 1841.
VII.2149.  Allen     "   b. 1847.
VII.2150.  Sarah L.  "   b. 1850.  d. -----

1855 Census. Camillus. First Election District.
   (139) William Maltby   40M.   Farmer     Onondaga    30 yrs.
         Mary A.    "     37F. wife             "       37 yrs.
         Jacob      "     16M. child Laborer    "       16  "
         James V.   "     14M.    "             "       14  "
         Allen      "      8M.    "             "        8  "
         Sarah L.   "      5F.    "             "        5  "
                                  June 15, 1855

In 1852, William Maltby bought land of J. Maltby and ano in Van Buren, lot 12. Book 106, p. 37.

In 1856, William Maltby bought land of S. B. Rowe and ano in Camillus, lot 79. Book 123, p. 483.

"This indenture made June 30, 1852, between Samuel B. Rowe and Jane C., his wife, of the town of Camillus, and William Maltby of the same place for $160, sells all that certain tract of land in the town of Camillus on Lot 79, bounded as follows: Commencing in the center of the old Canal on Samuel Dill's west line, thence running north to Abram Hall's land, thence west to the old Canal, thence up the canal to the line opposite of or to the west line of Daniel Abram's land bought of Augustus Whedon or Eleazer Sears, thence across the old canal to the south bank, thence down the South bank of the old canal to within one chain and 85 links to Samuel Dill's line, thence north to the center of the old canal, thence east one chain and 85 links to the place of beginning, be the same more or less. This is intended to include the south bank of the old canal.

                             Recorded Mar. 18, 1856."

On the same page. "Nov. 2, 1855. William Maltby and Mary Ann, his wife, of the town of Camillus, sell to James A. Chase of the same place for $180 the above described land.

                             Recorded Mar. 18, 1856."
T.I. Old Cemetery, Camillus, N.Y.
"Mary A. Maltby, 1815-1891.
James Maltby died Oct. 4, 1868, aged 27 yr's, 7 mo's. and
14 days.
And his disciples came and took up
  the body and buried it and went and 
told Jesus.

Note. Miss L. E. Voorhees writes that whereas the family of William Maltby were reported in the 1850 census of Lysander, there is no proof that it was more than a temporary stay. Records indi- cate that he had sold his property in the town of Camillus, removed to the town of Lysander and very soon returned to Camillus which was his home.





