"A wife whom I married in Wallingford in your State, in 1832, daugh- ter of Col. Caleb Cook. Have had 6 children--4 of whom have become 'angels of God'--I remain. One a son, 13 years old, now in College in this place--Miami University--the other a sweet little cherub daughter, 21 months old.
The work of grace among us to which you refer, was indeed a 'blessed revival.' I can not realize that God should so signally and wonderfully and promptly have blessed my poor labors. Scarcely one year in the ministry, and having preached but about 6 months of that time (all the former part of my life since leaving College be- ing spent in teaching) and come to this place in May last, to take care of a little poor, down-cast, oppressed church that had been in the furnace for 9 years having been split up by the organization of a New School church, and all this time was able (did he mean unable?) to support a settled minister--Having some resources of my own, on which I could depend in part, and God giving me enough of the Mission- ary spirit to induce me to make a sacrifice to seeing what could be done to build up 'the waste places' and relieve the distressed, I came and commenced preaching the 1st of June.--The congregation, at 1st small, and embracing only the little church of 64 members and the College Faculty, most of whom are members and the students, grad- ually increased to twice its former size; and in Oct. the church gave me a call--On the 18th I was ordained and Instituted.--on the 14th the revivals commenced, and continued, without abatement for 6 weeks, during which time I preached from 3 to 5 times a week and held prayer and singing meetings as the work demanded; but had no assistance from any of the ministers--The work went on silently and calmly, and what is remarkable, none of all the other churches in town had one addi- tion--they have been since somewhat revived. My little flock were greatly encouraged and 'rejoiced in the Lord'. Had during the six weeks, 29 additions on examination--mostly young men and women grown- the children of the church--5 heads of family--at one communion we received 26, all stood together before the congregation to take upon them the 'vows of God', and there was the aged sinner with his white locks, and the child of 10 years--together.
I cannot realize that God should have made me instrumental in such a work, and yet I cannot doubt--Surely he 'has committed this treasure to earthen vessel, that the excellency of the power may be of God and not of man'.--He can bless the humblest means--and the more humble, the more glory to him--I give it all to him and feel that I am nothing. He has not deserted us--every communion season brings in some--Notwithstanding the smallness of the congregation, and the fast that almost all the professors of religion, we have still had 42 additions since I came--Pray for that we may be yet more enlarged--I am not 'connected with the College'--Thanks for your kind invitation to visit you--If not permitted to see you this summer, I shall avail myself of this the first opportunity to do so--Have been frequently in New Haven and regret I had not formed your acquaintance as well as your sons--but trust I may 'see you in the land of the living'--You address me as 'your young Brother'; and so I am in comparison with your venerable years; and yet I've seen 43 winters standing ever since my 17th year, 6 ft. 4 in. in my bare feet--and weighing, for the last 15 years, on an average, and pretty uniformely about 124 lbs. averr- dupois. Such a dish of egotism, all about my dear self must make you